Sick As A.... Erm... Fox

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4.' Sick As A... Erm.. Fox.'


Tomoe grunted as he got home.. soaking wet... tired.. annoyed....


The white haired teen huffed, threw his jacket off and cursed as he kicked his shoe to one side of the room.. it narrowly missed his fathers head but as the man went to scold him his eyes went wide with complete shock,

" T-TOMOE! ARE YOU ALRIGHT! WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY ARE YOU ALL WET!?" he cried slightly and the fox shoved him away as he walked upstairs stripping his shirt off as he went.. Next his belt then his pants until he was in his boxers and walking into the bathroom to get a shower..

Mikage blinked slightly,

" Well that was bold!" He called out annoyed and then started to clean the clothes up while Elisa huffed from the doorway and then waved her wooden spoon at her husbands girly head,

" SEE! I told you! I told you! I TOLD YOU! But do you listen!? NO!" She snapped and then looked at the bathroom sharply before looking at Mikage annoyed, " Is that anything sharp in there?" She muttered before the door opened and her shaving razors got chucked at her head.. She yelped and dodged thema s Tomeo slammed the door back and she started to whimper.


" I'M NOT THE ONE WHO DOUBTED HIM!!" Mikage snapped before both parents growled.. Only to hear Tomoe hiss from the bathroom and then yank it open.. he was standing in a towel... soaking wet with anger,

" OH SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" he snapped suddenly and huffed " If anything You'll both be over it and kissing around on each other tonight so leave me out of this!" He screamed and then stomred back into the bathroom.. slamming the door and leaving Elisa to huff.

" Not true..' She gorwed as Mikage paused and then continued his work.. Well that happened... Meanwhile Tomoe ran the hot water over his body and arched his neck back, he let out a soft hum from the nice feeling of the water before sighing out weakly and leaning his his head against the glass shower door..

He couldn't believe he did that.... All those things... Of all things he could of said he chose to open up and spill everything to her.. or least close to everything.... Tomoe grunted softly and left his head on the door before looking down at his clawed hands.... or at least his dulled out claws....The ones his mother sanded down for now.

The teen sighed out and felt himself slide down the shoer down, letting the water scatter about him and spray on him slightly....

He looked down and then softly looked up at the ceiling with weak eyes... his head was spinning and he wanted nothing more then for her to leave.... he wanted her to scatter out of his life... To scatter and Go away.

If she scattered maybe the pain wouldn't so great at the time being...

Tomoe sighed out weakly but looked down at his scared up arms.... from wrist to elbow. The teen swallowed dryly.. his lips parted; moist from the spit and water. He then softly traced a scared and winced gently.

They didn't hurt... but for some reason he grew an insecurity when he stopped his little habit... He suddenly lifted his wrist to his mouth and took a long lick... it didn't burn.. or sting.. no cuts where made.. he just licked weakly and winced softly from the comfort it gave him.

Weird yes...

Tomoe sighed out gently and then stared up at the water before grumbling gently to himself and then standing, only when he stood he softly washed under his arms and let the water run down his back as he washed his head...

He couldn't... think about this stuff anymore.. If he did it would hurt like mad and he didn't have the heart for that right now...

Not yet anyway.'


He stared at his dinner, then his mother and father, then his dinner... before pushing the plate away and getting up weakly.. Only his mother blinked and then paused as she looked up,

" Not hungry?" She muttered as he nodded and then weakly sat down on the couch She looked at him over the kitchen bar before sighing out and getting up... The woman felt slightly bad for what they did.

They had meddled and she was not one to do so, but she let her husband talk her into it... with high hopes that maybe it would help their son. But right now her stomach turned like mad as she sat down beside him and sent him a soft, yet troubled look.

" Look... I know yoru mad at me..' She whispered but paused as Tomoe grunted and looked away, he hugged his knees and then turned his back on her. It hurt.. like a slap but she understood.

" I know you are and I am.. So... So sorry Tomoe.' She whispered weakly, " And I -

" Mum.

" No... Let me say this..' She muttered weakly, " I'm sorry that I caused you trouble today.. I know how it is with you and her.. and I didn't listen. I disobeyed that tru-

" Mum..

" Tomoe let me finish!" She cried out weakly and then huffed darkly.. Only Tomoe gave her a weak look before sending himself forward and coughing out whatever he did eat on the floor...

She blinked... her eyes wide...

OHHH.. See.. She didn't see that coming and? Yeah... She winced before Mikage paled and ran over, he kneeled odwn and lookd at his son weakly but Tomoe stopped coughing up his sickening accident and then looked up weakly.. his mouth formed a line of discomfort and when Mikage checked he realized how hot he was..

Oh of course he caught something in the rain! Who wouldn't!? ( Try Nanami... XD ) Elisa sighed out weakly and then bit hr claw in worry... This was their fault and she could of swore she saw Mikage look at her with guilty eyes..

Yeah he knew. He knew what they did was wrong and now this was going on...... She swallowed weakly and then gently watched Mikage help Tomoe to his room where he flopped over, making the covers puff up and then flatten as the teen groaned into his pillow..

He really didn't need this..

Mikage then cleaned up his mess while Elisa bit her lip.... now slightly pacing in worry at what was going on. She didn't know what to say.. to do.. to think. This was her fault and now she felt like twitching before two strong arms wrapped around her wasit and someones breathe snuggled into her neck.. She blinked and then looked at her husband who sighed out gently,

" Its just a cold..

" But still..' She whispered and looked away " I should of known better... treated him better.... I shouldn't of done this.' She whispered and then buried her head in her hands, " Why do you always talk me into these stupid things!" She snapped suddenly and rubbed her eyes.

" We both knew how it was with him and her so what were we even thinking?" She snapped and then dug her pointer finger into his chest " I will not let you talk me into this again! Do you hear me Mikage?!" She snapped and then placed her hands on her hips.. her eyes narrowed before he smiled weakly and nodded..

Then the doorbell went off and they both blinked and paused... Mikage looked through the peephole and then paused.... his eyes grew wide before he slowly looked at Elisa and smiled weakly..Only she paled.. her eyes wide.




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