Chapter 4

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Rainbow Dash led Mikey to Cupcake Corner. He landed roughly beside her but managed to stick it.

"You sure caught on quick."

"Yeah. I'm a pretty fast learner."

She smiled and pushed the door open. "Hello Mrs. Cake!"

"Hello dearie!" She came out of the kitchen with a platter of cupcakes on her head.

"Mrs. Cake, this is Michelangelo. We call him Mikey for short."

Mikey grinned and folded his wings in beside him.

'Well it's very nice to meet you Mikey. Would you like a cupcake?"

"Yes please!" Mikey grabbed one from her platter and ate it whole.

"Wow! You're just like Pinkie!" She commented.

"Pinkie?!" He exclaimed, cupcake still in his mouth. He swallowed it quickly. "Pinkie is here?"

"She lives here," Rainbow replies.

"Can I see her?"

Mrs. Cupcake nodded and called up the staires for Pinkie.

She floated down on a balloon, which popped when she saw Mikey. "Mikey!" She cried, running forward and tackle hugging him.

They fell over laughing and she licked his muzzle.

"It's good to see you again Pinkie."

"It's good to see you too!"

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