Chapter 10

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Rainbow Dash flew down beside Mikey, who was still on the cloud.

"Hey Mike."

He looked up. "Oh. Hey RD."

She landed beside him and folded her wings in beside her. "So... We found Pinkie..."

He looked away.

"I'm sorry... I know you two were close..."

"Is she okay?"

"I'm afraid not. Donnie and Leo are holding her in the castle. We can't let her go- she already tried to cut off Fluttershy's wing."

"We'll have you figured out what's wrong?"

"We have a few ideas... At first we were thinking it took away her element of harmony but that's already happened with Discord, and it didn't cause this. We're thinking it... Polluted it."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Basically she uses her laughter for... Evil."

Mikey bit back tears and Rainbow draped a wing over him. "It's okay. We're trying to fix it."

"Do you know if you will?"

"... Not without Twilight..."

"What happened to Twilight?"

"She's... Ill."

"How so?"

"Just come with me." She flew off in the direction of the castle.

Unnerved, Mikey followed.

Twilight was, in fact, ill. She was asleep on her bed but tossed and turned as if having a nightmare. She was feverish and her fur was pale, just like with Pinkie.

Mikey felt a little sick to his stomach. He backed out of the room and sat down, staring at the floor.

Leo left Donnie to tend to Twilight as he sat next to Mikey. "You okay?"

Mikey shook his head. "I don't understand... Why is it that whenever we're around people bad things happen?"

Leo sighed and nuzzled his brother's mane. "I don't know. But we'll get through it."

Mikey sniffed. "Promise?"

Leo smiled. "Pro-"

They were cut off by a blood curdling scream from the library.

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