Chapter 16

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The Kraang sent in an imposter Rainbow the next day that fooled the others. AJ and Rarity sat at the table, along with Donnie and Leo. Raph and Mikey were in one of the spare bedrooms.

Leo let out a large sigh and set his head on the table. Donnie ran his hoof over the bandages on his leg.

'Rainbow' kept looking at Applejack and Rarity out of the corner of their eye. After a long moment of silence they stood up and the four looked over.

"Hello Donnie." The aura flickered and faded, revealing Twilight. Donnie leapt back in alarm. Leo leapt to his hooves. Rarity fainted and Applejack backed away.

Twilight smirked. "Guess this makes my job a little easier." She threw back her head as a black bubble erupted from her horn. The bookshelves began to shake and the books flew out, bearing sharp teeth. One dug them into Donnie's horns pulling an agonized scream as he fell backwards. Leo tackled her to the ground. Raph and Mikey ran into the room and Fluttershy and Rainbow dropped Pinkamena in through the window. Fluttershy revved up her chainsaw and Rainbow held syringes of sleeping fluid in her hooves. Pinkamena leapt at Mikey with a knife in her mouth as Twilight got to her hooves and shot a black beam at Applejack.

AJ let out an screech and Raph's pupils shrank as he watched her turn to an ugly shade of grayish-orange. She smirked at Raph. "What's wrong, big boy? Afraid of a little girl?"

"NO!" Raph cried and backed away.

Another book bit Mikey's wing, causing the pegasus to fall to the ground writhing in agony. Applejack leapt onto Raph, biting at his throat. Rainbow dug a needle into Leo's flank as Fluttershy brought the chainsaw close to his neck. Donnie shook off the book and looked up as Twilight watched the disaster with a bright twinkle in her eyes.

"Twilight please! This isn't like you!" He yelled, feeling blood drip into his eyes.

She turned to him with black and white eyes. "How do you know what is like me!?"

"Because we're friends! No, we're more than friends! Don't you remember?" Tears rolled down his cheeks and she paused. 

"I kissed you! I kissed you in the library! Please you have to remember! I love you Twilight please just come back to me!"

She stared at him before shaking her head. "No! You're foiling our plans!"

Pinkamena threw her knife at Donnie and it sunk into his flank. The unicorn stumbled and fell. She leapt off of Mikey to grab the knife and Mikey shoved her to the ground, ignoring the blood oozing from his flank.

"Get of me you-" 

She froze as he pressed his lips against hers. After a moment there was a bright flash of blue light and Pinkie wrapped her arms around Mikey's neck.

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