Chapter 14

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Donnie wrapped his bitten leg in silence. Leo had managed to dispel the living nightstand and it lay in smoldering pieces in the library.

Mikey was in hysterics. He could't handle this- seeing all of his friends and brothers be injured. He was sobbing 

Ralph was pacing angrily. His hooves slammed loudly on the crystal floor, sending a loud *slam* through the room. 

Leo was staring out the window, chin in his hooves with his elbows rested on the sill. They had neglected to repair the shattered glass and a cold breeze drifted through the room.

Donnie sighed and leaned up against the back of Twilight's chair. He could feel the tension, and it made his fur prickle.

"Don what are we supposed to do?" Leo asked.

"Me? Why the shell are you asking me? Your our leader!"

"Yeah but you're the brains! Haven't you come up with something?!"

"Will you two stop yellin'?!" Ralph screeched.

Mikey fell silent at all the yelling, ears flattening to his head. He ran his hoof over the cuts on his wrists. They had disappeared when they'd first fallen through, probably just had to adjust to the new body. Now they made his fur twist in different directions. There were a few new ones and he sighed.

"Mikey what are you looking at?" Donnie asked suddenly.

Mikey jumped. "N-nothing..."

Donnie limped forward and Mikey tumbled out of Pinkie's throne.


"Leave me alone Don..." His face was still stained with tears. He yelped when someone lifted him into the air and saw he was surrounded in purple.

Leo looked at him worriedly. "Mikey-"

"Leave me alone!" 

"Mike." Raph grabbed the orange one's tail and pulled him to the ground via his mouth. "You're not the only one this is hurting. Please, just talk to us. Maybe we can try to figure this out."

Mikey stared up at Raph with alligator tears in his eyes before hugging the other pony. Raph blinked and hugged him back. He could feel the crusty roughness of the fur on Mikey's wrist.

"Can we talk alone after this?" He whispered in Mikey's ear.

Mikey's felt sick and nodded in between his sobs. Raph rubbed circles in the sad one's back and Leo and Donnie exchanged worried glances.

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