...Keeping Your Friends Close..

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After we had finally made it up to the castle, we had taken our seats at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione. Both look sick to the stomach. Worry filled both their faces.

Hermione goes to say something when I raise my hand, stopping her. "We will explain everything after we eat and get cleaned up. Harry and I both need baths" I say, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes, placing them on my plate.

No one said anything after that except for the usual news from Dumbledore about classes and students. After we had finished up eating, Harry and I took hands and made our way to the Fifth floor.


I slolwy open the curtain, slipping my hand inside and turning the water on to scolding hot. Harry took the shower beside mine, mimicing my moves with his. I keep my hand inside the shower, feeling the different levels of water temperature as Harry takes off his shirt.

I try to peel my eyes away from him, but couldn't. He's grown up so much in just the short time I've met him. I still remember all of our almosts we've had. The thought alone sends butterflies to my stomach. I look inside my shower, to keep from my blushing being exposed.

I hear Harry's zipper being undone as my eyes slowly drift back to him. He's pulling his pants off, placing them on the floor near his cloak and shirt. When he stands back up, he's standing in just his boxers with his wand in his hand.

I smile to myself as his eyes flicker to me. "What?" He asks, smiling softly at me. "Nothing" I say, biting my lip to contain the huge grin on my face. Harry notices, pointing it out.

"Careful, you'll get stuck like that" He says, smirking as he walks towards his shower. "Very funny" I say, pulling back my hand to take off my cloak. I had worn my soft white dress, the fabric hugging my body. The dress wasn't long, just down to my thigh. I place my cloak on the sink, before walking barefoot back to my shower.

When I look up, Harry's eyes are raking my body. The thought sends a chill through me as I look from my shower back to him. "Harry!" I say, causing him to look up to my face quickly. I'm wearing a smile, which causes him to smile. "What?" He begins, coming closer to me. "Don't want me staring at you?" He says, placing his hands on my hips.

I smile, crossing my arms over my stomach. "Did I say that?" I say, sticking my tongue out playfully. Harry shakes his head, smiling at me, before he quickly hoists me over his shoulder. I start kicking and wailing my arms.

"This is so unfair!" I say, causing Harry to laugh beneath me. "We used to do this to Ginny too!" Harry says, chuckling harder. I roll my eyes, smiling to myself. I start to think this is fun till Harry walks into one of the community showers.

Harry places me back on the ground, before stepping back abit. He raises his wand, pointing it at me. "Aquamenti!" Water shoots out his wand, drenching me. I squeal at the coolness of the water, as I grab my own wand, saying the same curse to him.

Harry's drenched by my spell as he step a closer to me, grabbing ahold of me. I keep my wand aimed at him as more water shoots out, splashing him in his chest. He chuckles to me, not breaking how close we were.

I smile up at him, as the spell stops, leaving us both a wet, panting mess. I stop laughing the same time Harry does, both of us never breaking eye contact. I bite my lip as I glance down at my now soaked dress.

"I'm soaked!" I say, and Harry checks me out. "Yeah. You are. But it's okay. I am too" He says, chuckling again. "I'm sorry" I say with a small smile. Harry chuckles, shaking his hair like a dog, splattering me with water.

"I'm not" He says, before exiting the community shower and walking back to his. I wait a few minutes, before walking towards mine. "Of course your not" I say, just as Harry throws his soaked boxers over his shower curtain. Seconds later, his head pops out. He's wearing an innocent smile. I roll my eyes at him, before stepping into my shower in my dress.

I lean back against the shower wall, smiling like crazy. I'm so glad I went for some air when I did.


When we finally made it back to the Common Room, it's nearly midnight. We quietly make our way to our dorms, promising to see one another tomorrow morning.

Harry had given me a soft kiss on the cheek, which sent my cheeks into a heat. I quietly slip into the girls dorm, and quickly climb into my bunk, making sure to not wake Hermione or Ginny. I place my wand on my nightstand, and cover myself up.

I have to try and sleep. Tomorrow's bound to be a very long day.

With that, I roll over and close my eyes. Thoughts of today keep a smile on my face as sleep slowly starts to consume me. The last thing I remember seeing is his green eyes and those pink plump lips, before my eyes close again, and sleep takes me.


Something short and sweet. I mean that shower scene, come on now ^-^

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