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So what did you all think?

Probably not how you wanted it to end and honestly I was pretty upset that my mind didn't want Arthur to live or many others that lost their lives.

I honestly cry at my own writing sometimes.

I really hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

I do have a Twilight book that's also completed along with two One Direction books as well.

I'm working on some more Harry Potter books and a few others that I won't mention lol.So if you want, feel free to check those out too.

If you have any thing you want me to read, lemme know. I'm always in search of new things to read.

Thank you so much for ANYONE who's been there through everything. From beginning to end. That just shows that even though the beginning of this book started out crappy, you managed to look past all that and continue reading it.

I really hope you enjoyed the book, the characters, and what all happened. I'm really happy with how it came out, and the journey with the story.

I notice with my writing, I let myself reflect out of my characters. Anger, jealousy, hurt, etc.

Like Rose, I have depression and anxiety, so being able to write about those through someone else's live, that was life changing. Being able to show how I feel on a daily basis, but through someone else, was different. It makes you feel like there is someone that knows what you mean, and how you're feeling.

Here are a few questions I got asked in my inbox that I figured I should answer haha. I mean I love hearing from you all and what you think of the book. So if you don't see a question you want answered, ask me and I'll be sure to add it to this page for sure :D

-Did Rose over come the anxiety?

No. I don't think it's something you can just over come with time. I've had it all of my life (I'm 23) and it's never budged. I mean it's gotten worse over the years, but I've managed to deal with it. But I didn't make Rose suffer like I have.

-Did Rose and Malfoy end up together?

I didn't really go much into detail with them in the end. I did want Malfoy to make an appearance, to see if they still had that spark. Obviously you all saw how that went. But, I didn't want to make a rash decision on if they ended up together. I just wanted to leave it where it was left, and let you all come up with your own ending.

Did Harry and Ginny get married like in the books/movies?

Yes. I kept all that the same. As much as I wanted Harry and Rose together (cause I'm a huge Dan lover), I didn't place them together. Yeah, they were two messed up teens who loved one another, but that was it. Just a protection type of love. I don't really think they ever really were meant for one another. I mean, they went through so much, and even died together. If anything, I think they were just meant to be friends till the very end.

Who did you want Rose to end with?

I really wanted her to be with Arthur. But I knew I had to kill someone off that no one expected to see dead. I loved Arthur, and I could really tell that he really loved and cared about her. He was always there with her from the beginning. He died in protection of her, and that love he took with him. Even to the after life <3

You killed Snape? WHY? :(

I had to kill off the same characters. I really didn't want to kill anyone. But every story can't be completely perfect lol. I love Snape as much as the next person, but his death was very tragic. And you also got to see that even in the after life, he's still coy and a smarty pants, but he has a heart. No matter how small :)

Do you plan on adding on to this book?

I thought about it, and I really think it ended well. I felt like I was dragging the story on by combining all the books together, but I felt like it was all much needed. Some of it was jumbled but that was the point in a fan fiction. You can base it around a certain story, characters, etc. but in the end, it's still your story. Just with help from another author.

Were you going to write a funeral for everyone that died?

I really wanted to write a funeral scene but there were so many deaths, it would of been the longest chapter yet. Do I still mourn those characters who died, yes, only because I just finished writing the book. I tell you, this book really hits me hard.

What was your favorite part you wrote? And why?

I think my favorite part was when her and Draco split up. As odd as that sounds. And here's why. Like I had stated before, that was what happened with me and my ex. Word for word. Minus him "telling his father about it" and the names. But, the harsh and brutal words that were spoken.. Just... It hit me hard. It also helped Rose open up her eyes and see that everyone was just protecting her and didn't want to see her get hurt. It also led her back to Arthur, and she got to help defeat the Dark Lord. She grew from that, and I wouldn't change that for the world <3 I'm so proud of her as a character.

Okay, before anyone falls asleep of boredom haha. I'm finished.

Again, I really hope you all enjoyed this story and I hope to see your creations and your names in my feed when a new book is released!

I love you all <3

-DitzyD.. aka.. Destany :) <3

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