1- Washington High

77 6 10

"Here don't forget your lunch!".
My mom points towards my lunch still laying on the table.

I grab my lunch from the table and jump on my bike,
The Teacher is probably going to kill my ass if I'm to late at my first day.
Might want to hurry!

I moved and I'm attending a new school today, I formerly lived in Florida.
It's hard to get used to the climate, but I'm alright.

I cycle as fast as I can -which is really fast, and take a shortcut trough a backyard. Might not have been appreciated by the neighborhood.

Some yell at me and chase me on feet, to slow bro.
reminds me of one of my friends from back in Florida,
He used to play Pokemon on his phone during classes and on his bike.
I don't really feel the need to, I've never been a gaming fan.

I arrive at school and ditch my bike somewhere quick,
I walk through the hallways searching for the right classroom.
Which of course is on the other side of the campus...
I run and turn right, then I bump into someone.
We crash to the ground and I awkwardly lay on top of the person.
I get up quick and I help get the white- haired girl up.
I make a quick excuse up.
"Sorry I was in a hurry!" I explain.
I see a small blush on her face and continue running, I turn right again.
"Your class is to the left mister!" The white-haired person calls after.
Confused I turn myself to the hallway on the left, having decided to trust what she says.

Dodging some other students I finally arrive at my classroom, I sigh out of relief and take seat.
The person sitting next to me is a tall guy with messy brown hair.
"Hey nice to meet you transfer guy, I'm Osamu Daishi" he smiles as he I traduces himself.
"I'm Ryan Takashi, nice to meet you too". I like the guy, we start up a small conversation

"Mr. Takashi I understand you want to introduce yourself. but not now, I would like to continue my lesson at the moment" the teacher says annoyedly.
I move my attention to what the teacher was even teaching.

Apparently she was explaining to us how we need to download our books.
Right, my I pad. I grab my I pad out of my bag and turn it on, and pay attention to what she is explaining.

We get instructed to download our books from some website via our school accounts,
This school works with digital books, though we need to make most of our homework on paper. Since there are no digital sites for some subjects.

When class' over I follow Osamu to the second period, I wouldn't want to go hunt my classroom down again.

"And some important stuff Ryan," Osamu gestures for my attention "The girl with the gorgeous chestnut brown hair in a pony tail with dreamy pink eyes, my friend since kindergarten.
The white haired girl -I don't even know her name.
Is really pretty I know. But most people avoid her because she's strange."
I chuckle at his interest in girls, dang he's quite the ladiesman, I laugh to myself.

We enter our classroom and our mentor - our 'personal' teacher and contact person is a young lady in her 20st, unlike most teachers.

I take seat next to Osamu when our mentor starts talking.
"My name is Kaiya Ariwara, you may call me Mrs. Ariwara, I'm 25 and I'll be your Mentor this year.
it's my duty to help you with your problems, if there are any fights or if you need help with your grades or home situation, be sure to contact me."

"This is my second year of standing in front of a class, last year I had a class of 9th graders and this year I have you, 11th grade.
Or so I was told." She takes a breath and continues.

"Now you are in your third year you will also attend science classes.
Furthermore we have 5 students from other classes and one transfer student from Florida, I will devote this hour to let them introduce thier selves".

Mrs. Ariwara picks up some paper and calls out the students names that changed classes,
"Yato Gensai, Noriko Kashiwagi, Toshio Fuwa, Juro Nomiya and Kaori Uno are the students from other Classes, Mr. Takashi you are basically a complete stranger to the class, could you come over here and introduce yourself?".
"Or course Mrs. Ariwara". I reply formally.

I walk in front of the class and prepare to Introduce myself,
"I am Ryan Takashi, 15 years old former student in Florida High school. I lived in Florida and moved because my father's new business is here". I look around the class to see how my classmates would respond.

I move back to my seat and notice the class got a bit noisy, especially the girls.
"Bro they are talking about you". Osamu whispers in my ear.
"What about me?" I whisper back.
"the girls think your really cute" he winks.

I play with a strand of my black hair, which I do whenever I don't know what to say, or feel nervous.

All the girls and guys are still talking and gossiping, except the girl with the beautiful long white hair.

(Media; School, not edited)

Actually I love writing this story, Most things I don't know yet my own, like if I'm reading the book myself!

Greetzzzzz! Sylver.

(The pic of the school building is just something from Internet XD says its from a anime, if you know what anime let me know!(already know but it's like a, do you know? 😏))

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