8- She Again?

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"Time to get up!"
Still sleepy I dig down in my blankets "Mooom no I'm tired!".
Slowly I sit up, still in my nightwear, whom I put on when I woke up at night.
"Hurry now ur you'll be late..."
"Yes mom..." I say with a sigh.

I get up out of bed, I stretch and open my sleepy eyes.
"WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yell and jump backward.
As I opened my eyes the person wasn't my mom. It was the white-haired girl...
"What the hack are you doing in my room?!" I yell.
"I just waked you up?" She wears a questioning expression.
"Are you my mom or something?!?" I ask loudly.

"Hmm not quite so, Yuno Takashi is your Mother" Her voice sounds worried "is your memory lost?"
I bring my palm to my face. "Just get out of here before my mom sees you...".
"Already met her, she's a very kind person! You must love her a lot" she says with her head faced to the ground.

"Brother is that your girlfriend?" I small hand pulls my shirt.
I turn to Rin, "she's just a friend".

The White-haired girl's eyes widen. "You have a sister?!" The girl is all panicked.
"I propose so...?"

"God why didn't you say so?! She's in great danger!" She looks around the room.
"Danger?! Why?!" My sister grabs my leg, she's obviously afraid.
"She's in the same position as you! Only she doesn't have anyone to protect her"
I walk around the room. "Just wait a minute. Calm down and tell me why the demon would also want my sister dead". I say covering my little sisters ears.
"I'll tell you everything I can, I mean it. But it has deadly consequences for me if I say certain things."
I shudder at deadly consequences but I nod.

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what's special about you. It would literally kill me, but I do can tell you why your sister should be protected. You see, your sister can talk to spirits, but I don't exactly know if she can see them... She can hear them for sure for all I know.

Still covering my sister's ears I gasp silently. "And about that devil girl...?"

"The word Devil is formed trough millions of years. The original word is Daemonici, part of the word is still in the Latin language. And to Answer your question; I can't".

"Can my sister.. Hear the dead?" I wonder.

"Hmm sorta, it's a little different then you believe though. Spirits room around freely, as free as they could ever be. However they can decide to inhabit a body. They are no longer free and can't do half the things they could, there's only one reason why;

You can only feel emotions, including happiness, if you have a body.

Only one thing, bodies are pretty rare. Once a spirt finds a planet with life on it it wanders around, till it finds a unborn baby and becomes it's soul. And your sister.. She can hear and maybe even see those who do not posses a body whatsoever."

"This is... Uh a lot of information to take in" I take a deep breath, looking around in my room. Realizing there might be a ghost- I mean spirit talking to my sister right now.

And then the moment you realize... "CRAP SCHOOL!!!!!!" I hurry of the stairs and run towards the door, once I attempt to run through it the girl jumps in front of me.
"1. You are still in your nightwear,
2. You don't have lunch with you, that's bad for your health.
3. There's no school for you. Your graduated."

"I'm third years! I'm far from graduated from high schoo-"
She hands me a pile of diplomats.
"Not exactly true, according to these papers you graduated on one of the best universities just today."
She says.

"The diplomats are one thing! I need to know the stuff to you know!" She touches my forehead with her finger. I electric shock goes trough my body.

Unbelievable. I know everything!

"Hmm no just school stuff" the girl says.
"Get out of my head!!!" I bring my hands to my ears.
"How many times do I got to explain? I'm not in your head I can't tell why!" She annoyedly replies. As she places her hands at her waist.
"Has anyone ever told you you are absolutely GREAT at explaining?!" I say with a obvious tone of sarcasm.
"You can still go to school whenever you feel like it" she runs a hand trough her hair. "As long as you pay you can still go..."

I look in the girls direction, "why each freaking time you decide to visit I get a speech of 'reality' and I'm just supposed to say yes and believe everything?"
"First, I never asked of you to believe what I say, second, i can't just lie! And more importantly You asked yourself! Third, it's bad for our reads! (A/N not in the storyline just a small Easter egg XD)

I sigh, walk into the kitchen area and grab myself a cup of milk.
I heat it up and take seat on the comfy chair in our living room. Well one of them.

I don't like fancy stuff I don't like mysteries, I'm not patient and I hate it when someone isn't straight to the point.

It's officially Ryan annoy week this week!

(Media; Ryan's mom, edited hair and eye color. Originally Yuki's mom from the anime Mirai Nikki. I'll edit further when I feel like it XD)
Euh idk what to put here so Imma just skip it... See ya in the next chapter!


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