3- I Love Her

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It's morning, I lay in bed and stare at my glass of water.

I'm having the the typical problem of wanting to have something that's out of your reach when your in your bed.

Pissed I keep glaring while I'm still trying to reach for it.

It's standing on the edge my desk.

I give it one last glare wen I decide to step out of bed the glass falls of my desk and water spreads over the floor, the glass breaks.

"GOD DAMMIT!" I curse.

How could this happen? It wasn't so close to the edge. Was it? I'm quite sure.
"Ryan?? What's it??" My mom knocks hastily on my door.
"Can I come in??" She asks.

My mom walks in my room and notices glass and water spread all over the floor.

"Downstairs now! It's not safe you might cut your feet Ryan!".

I roll my eyes, she's right though.

I spend a few moments wondering how the glass could've fallen, I just shrug it of.

When my mom reports all the glass had been cleaned I go head to my room and pack my bag for school.

In the hallway at school I meet up with Osamu.

"Hey Osamu, how ya doing mate?" I ask.
His face lights up at the moment he hears his friend's voice.
"Hey bro! Do ya mind helping me with a little something?" Osamu asks nervously.
"Sure". I reply.
"You don't mind asking what I need first?" He asks wondering.
"As long as you ask I'll be fine" I give him a friendly punch on the shoulder.
"That's the spirit!" He chuckles.
"So what's what you need help with?" I look a at Osamu.
He grabs my arm and drags me outside where no one can see nor hear us.
"With the girl I told you about some days ago" He whispers.
I totally forgot what girl he's talking about, Osamu notices my confused look.
*sigh* "you already forgot?" He says.
No I never really knew actually! "Kinda?" I give I'm a awkward smile.
"The girl with the brown hair and pinkish eyes! In our class!" He loudly whispers.
"And a pony tail?" I say as I realized who he's talking about.
"Yes!" He made a expression like he just taught a cow to dab.

"What up with her? She's been your friend for a long time right?" I ask.
"Well I-" he stutters "I-".
"I think I like her". He says.
"For real!!!?" I say out loudly.
"Shhhhh!!' He pleaded.

"Come to think of it, what's her name?" I ask him.
"You Don't know?" He says accusatory.
I lift my hands "hey you didn't tell me!".
"Sorry" I whisper.
"Sakura Yamagushi" he said.
Osamu had liked more girls, but is is the first time I see him blush wen saying someone's name.

"What are you thinking about" he raises a eyebrow.
"Do you like or love her?"

He's kinda like the type that already had a lot of girlfriends, but wen you get to know him better, you see he's more of a shy guy anyone'd guess.

"Maybe I'll ruin things if I love her". He answers.
Sorry mate, but that's bullshit.
If you don't get honest with her it might break someone's heart, it's likely she likes or loves you back."

Osamu is deep in thought, it's probably very hard to weigh your love for someone to the fear of losing thier friendship.

"You are right, I love her and I need to tell her" Osamu says.
"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I ask.
"What's up with the deep questions today?
I won't stop you if you need to write a poem" he teases.
"and nope, never had unless you count the time I lost a bet. and had to date a random girl for one day, back in 7th grade".

I laugh at his awkward story "I also have zero experience" I chuckle.
"I can't believe that, you gave advice like a pro" he teases.
"I'm just a genius in advice in general" I joke.

We originally planned to studying a bit in the morning before classes start, after our conversation we just head directly to our first period.

Speaking of the devil! Just wen we came out of our 'secret' spot we bumped into Sakura.

"Hey Sakura" Osamu greets her. He had the greatest smile on his face.
"Oh hey! How are you doing?
I was just making my way to the music room".
Osamu lights up at the sound of her voice and they make a friendly chat while we walk to the music room.
We all have the Same class the first period.
"Takashi do you have music there as well?"
"Yup! And you can call me Ryan".
"You can call me Sakura as well" she smiles.

We arrive at our classroom and take seat.


(Media; Osamu, slightly edited, changed eye color)

I try to keep the chapters between 500- 1000 words! It won't ever be shorter then 500 words but it may become more then 1000 so now and then, just informing XDDD

I just want to ask you guys 1 favor, VOTEEEEEEEEE!!!! *CHEERS*

Ryan: you don't want me to switch your hands with your feet, do you?

SHATAP U CANT DO THAT (yet 🌚) hey if he gets really pro it might be possible I need to do logic research for that XDDDDDD)

NOTE: PLEASE INFORM ME ABOUT TYPOS AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES ILL CORRECT IT STRAIGHT AWAY! it helps a lot if people comment if they find a mistake, it helps me improve the book x3 TYSM IF U DO SO AND TYSM IF U READ THIS (cuz you've read 3 chapters of my story now XDDDD)

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