2 wrongs dont make a right

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Heathers POV:

"Rodney's sister."

I gasped.

After what Amir said register.

I grabbed her by her neck and wrapped her hair around my fist and proceeded to drag her out of the car while choking her.


I tuned him out, all I can see is Rodney's face when I looked at her.

"You killed my Fucking daughter."

I popped her in her lip repeatedly.


"You hear me bitch, my Hazel is gone!"


"Look at me bitch!"

I grabbed her face, she tried to close her eyes so I dugged into them until she screamed out giving me access.

She's about to meet her marker.

"You killed my daughter and now I'm going to kill you."

Letting her face go and throwing her back to the ground.

I went inside my purse and pulled out a .45 pistol. I cocked it back and aimed it at her with one hand.


Finally remembering that Amir was there. I turned towards him scrunching up my face.


"We're not going to kill her."

"Then what the fuck we gonna do with her!?

"We're not killing her put the gun down."

"Isn't it fair that his mother grieve her child like I'm grieving mines?"

I said waving the gun around like a crazy woman.

I probably look hysterical.

"We already killed his brother, that would be too easy."

I tried to plead with him with my eyes but he made up his mind.

"We're going to do way worst, torturing someone and not putting them out of their misery quickly is far worst than a quick bullet."

"Well can I shoot her at least?"

"Not yet."

"Motherfucker you asking me not to shoot this bitch but her brother killed my daughter? I asked in disbelief.

"I'm not going to hit a major artery."

"Do not kill her because her brother killed Hazel, torture her so we can take the whole family down. They may have tricked me but I've gotten her drunk on many occasions and she told me shit I bet Rodney didn't even know. She told me her family Is really close so they'll do anything to get her back, unless she just know some secrets they don't want her to share." Amir said after shrugging.

I turned around facing him when the realization hit me.

He disappeared when Hazel needed him the most.

"You know I should really kill you for leaving my damn daughter."

I said with the gun now trained on him.

"I was being a coward but I'm trying to make up for that."

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that? I mean Hazel is gone because you wanted to be a scary bitch."

"We are not about to get into this. You got some internal hostility you want to get out go ahead. But it won't change shit."

"It might I guess we'll just have to find out."

"You don't have to do this ma, Hazel was my world too. You think it don't fuck me up everyday that I just stood by and let her die? How the fuck do I explain that to our child?,to my therapist, to any fucking one!"

"After we take down his family, I'm taking my granddaughter you don't deserve her. You deserve to die alone knowing that you could've saved her but you didn't!"

With that being said I walked away.

I got a text from Hazel's Bestfriend Diana. She was suppose to be watching Meadow and the twins.

Diana💋: Mrs.Brown! Someone has Meadow!!!

My heart started pounding.

I called her.

"How Diana! How did they get my grand-baby.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Brown I didn't have a choice. They would've killed the twins."

"If we don't get her back you better put me in a strait jacket because I'm going to fucking kill you bitch!"

I turned towards Amir and said.

"I guess we having desperate bitch tonight."

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