Lock down

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Heather POV:

When I woke up I didn't understand my surroundings.

It was pitch black. I tried to feel around to see if I could use whatever I found on the ground to help me figure out where I was or find a clue. But I couldn't move, my legs were chained.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

Not only was I in some dusty ass place chained, but they didn't have a/c. A bitch was burning up.


There was no respond.

"Amir, you promised you wouldn't leave me."

More silence.

I was starting to get worried.

Where was Amir?

I heard another sound.

What was that?

I let out a sigh of relief when I realized that it was just my imagination.

I thought I was going crazy, until I heard another sound.

At first I heard movement then I heard a switch being turned on.

The bright white light blinded me.

Rodney was sitting in a black leather chair that was worn out.

The first thing I did was launched at him, I wanted to strangle him, snap his neck, make him beg to only be bought back down by the chains. They yanked me backwards, causing me to land on my back making my skin, that was exposed to the chains bleed.

I struggled to sit back up. I probably looked pathetic.

When I looked up at him all I could do is laugh.

I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

Tears from laughter or sadness?

"I'm sorry it had to come to this Mrs.Brown."

"You killed my baby girl."

He screwed on the silencer to his gun while I talked.

"Mia was sick and you manipulated her."

That caught his attention.

"Mia isn't sick because of some mental illness bullshit, Mia was sick of your family! Y'all swear y'all the perfect family when you ain't shit!"

"You don't know my fucking family!"

"I know you Mrs.Brown, I've been watching you, I know you're the glue to the family, I know that everybody depends on you, I just wonder what would happen if the glue that holds the whole family together just doesn't stick anymore."

"You can kill me, just know that if you do that you would be paying a price."

"I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to give my mother that honor. To Kill a legend! An infamous criminal that turned her life around by being a housewife."

"Watch your mouth."

"You're in no position to be trying to tell me what to do Mrs.Brown so I advise you to shut that pretty little mouth of yours up."


"I see where Hazel got it from."

"Why did you kill Hazel?"

He shrugged then responded

"I just wanted to scare her, but everything don't always go according to plan.

"Where's Amir?"

"Where's Amir, I'm so worried about him.." he mocked me.

I hate this guy.

"Amir is where he needs to be, as for you I'll come back to you. I gotta take care of a rat problem."

"If you touch Amir, I Swear I-"

"You would do what? Punch, scream, shake your fist at me? Like I said you can't do shit! You're in no position to be making threats so settle down. But don't worry I'll be back for you."

After that being said he grabbed the gun, before he turnt off the light he smirked at me and then proceeded to leave out of the room.

I slowly laid back down while thinking about my family.

Where did I go wrong?

Was I not a good enough mother?

Was all of this my fault?

A tear escaped my eyes as I sent a tiny prayer.

"Lord please don't let this be my ending."

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