1: Coming of the Sadistic Spartan Tutor from Hell

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In a certain place in Namimori, Japan, In the Sawada residence there early awake was the Eldest of the Sawada twins which was none other than Sawada Tsunayoshi. He is in the kitchen cooking breakfast and lunch because it will surely be forgotten by his beloved mother. After eating breakfast he cooked for his family and a bento for his otoutou, Ietsuna. Finishing quickly he left for school which will start in an hour after he arrives. 

He was walking quietly and stealthy to avoid being noticed and mistaken, for the nth time in his life time, for his younger copy. As he got nearer Nani-chuu he felt like he was being watched. looking around he saw he was being followed by the worlds greatest Hitman, Reborn. How did he know? Well some certain 'Ghosts' told him everything about Mafia at the age of five, then soon after he began his career as a Hacker at the age of seven, there he found out that his Father, if he ever consider him one, is part of the strongest mafia in the world which is Vongola Famiglia. He also found out that in his profile he only had one recorded child, which is Sawada Ietsuna. It hurt Tsuna's feelings but Tsuna brushed it off telling himself that since he looked 'weak' when he was younger, and Iemitsu did it to protect Tsuna from being caught in the darkness of Mafia, but it was then proven wrong when his father went home for a visit with Vongola Nono. 

Iemitsu was shocked that he forgot he has another child and that it was Tsuna, the eldest twin. After remembering that Iemitsu had another child he corrected his profile and soon questions arises like 'You had another child?', or 'Where did that came from?'.

Deciding to play dumb Tsuna didn't looked directly at Reborn and continued to look around then shrugging his shoulders to look as if his imagination was playing with him then continued walking towards school. In Reborn's hiding place, Reborn didn't noticed that Tsuna was only acting and proceeded in stalking him and he purposely stalked the older to see if the reports about him are true.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, 14 years old, brown anti-gravity defying hair, honey brown doe eyes, Elder twin brother of Sawada Ietsuna, below average grades, clumsy, basically no good qualities and had no boss characteristics. MUST never know of Mafia." Reborn read the first file as he saw Tsuna walk in school while he hid in a tree where he can see his soon-to-be student and his student's brother.

"Sawada Ietsuna, 14 years old, darker shade of brown anti-gravity defying hair, same honey brown eyes only slightly narrower, Younger twin brother of Sawada Tsunayoshi, high grades, athletic, School model/Idol, and candidate for the position of Future Boss of Vongola Famiglia." He read the second folder. 

Reborn looked at his watch to see that it was way early to start class. 6:30 am.

He then looked again to see what the older twin was doing and was surprised to see the brunette sleeping. Deciding there was nothing for to see he when to Sawada residence and left a flier stating that he was a home tutor and asking if they needed one for free but in exchange of somewhere to eat and live for free.

*Sawada household a few minutes after Tsuna left*

Sawada Nana woke up for a start and when to the kitchen to make breakfast but only to be surprised there was already a cooked meal and bento on the table. She looked at the sink to see if there was anything to clean only to see none. With nothing else to do she then when to do the laundry. She took the laundry from her and Ietsuna's room and stopped in front for Tsuna's but didn't dare open his room because Tsuna said that they are not allowed to enter without his permission. The last time she entered his room without a permission he threw a tantrum for a week and since then the incident was never repeated. With a sigh she went to where the washer was and saw Tsuna's laundry basket with his dirty clothes there.


After doing the laundry she went to the mail box to see if there was any mail. Checking the box she didn't saw a mail but a flier. She read it and after reading she went inside with a smile and contacted the Home Tutor.

She then settled in the living room to watch morning news seeing there was nothing more to do than do the shopping.


After an hour or two watching the news and Cooking show she turned to the wall clock hanging by the door and saw her youngest was going to be late for school if he doesn't get up now.

Going to Ietsuna's room she saw the same dirty room and went to her son's bed and tried to wake him up.

"Ie-kun wake up or you'll be late for school." She said slightly shaking him awake.

Seeing no plan on waking up she did the only that can surely wake him up.

"Ie-kun, Hibari-san called a while ago to say that if you got late even for a second he will personally come here and wake you up to go to school." With that said, Sawada Ietsuna bolted out of his bed and in record's time he was changed to his school uniform and had wolfed down his breakfast and quickly bolted out the house with his bento not bothering to know who made it and run to school as if his life depended on it which is true because if a student in Nanimori Middle School is late even just for a Milli second you will be bitten to death by the Demon of Namimory also known as Hibari Kyoya, secret best friend of our beloved tuna fish, Tsunayoshi.

A few minutes after Ietsuna left the doorbell rung and Nana opened the door to see a baby in a black suite with orange shirt and black fedora with yellow stripes and on his hat was a green lizard/chameleon and a yellow pacifier around his neck.

"Are~ Who's child would you be? Are you lost little one?" Nana question thinking that the baby was lost.

"Ciaossu! My name is Reborn a child prodigy sent by Iemitsu to tutor your son, Ietsuna." The baby, now known as Reborn, introduced.

Hearing her husband's name she thought that he was Iemitsu's friend and let him in.

They discussed the conditions of Reborn and the rule to never enter Tsuna's room and Reborn settled in Ietsuna's room observing it in the process.

'Never enter Tsu-kun's room without permission or face hell.' The words of Nana rung into his ears and can't help to wonder what might Tsuna hide inside the room.


First chapter done! Vote if you liked it, and Comment your thoughts and if there are wrong spellings.

Done: 8-28-16 @ 1:13am

And now I decided to publish it after being in my draft for a long time.

Sorry I can't think of anything more in my other stories... Gomen TT-TT....

Published: 10-28-16 @ 11:18 pm

Not edited.

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