*Chapter Four*

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"Ok everyone, clean up and line up." General Shadis yelled walking in through main doors.
"Today we are going to do the 3DM gear balance test. If you fail them you will sent to work in the fields."

When we all finished we headed to the supply shed and were given our gear.
We all put on our harnesses and went to line up.
General Shadis walked down the line and stopped before me.
"You're first solider." He glared down at me. "Sir, yes sir." I replied walking up the the lift.

I could feel everyone watching me.
Shakily I hooked myself up and ever was slowly raised.
It was fairly easy, I looked at the the troops and General with triumph.
For I had not failed, I could get my revenge.
"Next up, Marco Bodt." He shouted.
Marco walked over to me as I was lowered.
"Good luck." I whispered handing him the hook.

Shadis told me to wait in a separate group so he knew who had passed.
I watched as Marco was lifted into to air.
Everything was silent for a few brief moments.
He was then lowered down, he had passed.
I let out a sigh not knowing I had held my breath.

Marco walked over to stand by me as we watched the rest be tested.
"Next up, Armin Alert!" General Shadis shouted looking up from his list.
Armin was strapped in and lifted off the ground and he passed.

I stood next to Marco for the rest of the morning.
"For the few of you that didn't pass don't worry. You will retake it in two days." General Shadis announced.
He dismissed us for lunch and everyone left to go to the mess hall.

"That was lame, why did he make us stand there." Jean complained stretching.
"That was pretty pointless." I agreed sighing.
"Well there's nothing we can do about it now." Marco commented as we walked.
"At least we passed." Armin chimed in happily.
"Well most of us did." Jean smirked glaring over at Eren.

We walked into the mess haul and grabbed our lunch.
Sitting at the usual spot, we ate our food and chatted for a while.
"I wonder what's next."Armin mentioned.
"Not sure." Jean replied curious.
General Shadis walked in and announced.
"Listen up everyone,
find a partner and meet in the training field in ten minutes."

"H-Hey, do you Want to be my partner?" Marco asked blushing ever so slightly. "Yeah, sure." I replied smiling.
We got out to the field there were white circles painted on the ground.
"Oh no." I mumble to myself.

This meant I had to fight in hand to hand combat Marco.
"Find a circle and your partner.
This is a common hand to hand combat training procedure.
If you go outside the circus start again, got it?" General Shadis yelled.
"Sir yes sir." Everyone said.
Marco and I walked into a painted circle and picked up our wooden knives.
"I can go easy on you, if you want." He said attempting to be a gentleman.
"No thanks, Now let's go!" I smirked running up behind him.

Quickly I kicked the back of his leg right under the joint.
He fell flailing about and dropped his knife, caught off guard.
Then I quickly grabbed his arm, so he wouldn't hit the ground to hard.
I quickly lowered him down and pinned him.
"Unarmed and unharmed." I smirked still pinning him to the ground.
"More or less." He remarked grimacing at the kick to the leg.

I got up and offered him a hand which he takes.
Marco yanked me down and I fell on top of him with a light thud.
He rolled over, so I was underneath him.
My arms were pinned near my sides, while my ankles were left free to kick.
Marco was in the perfect position to get kicked right in the balls, but I'm not that cruel.

I kicked his feet out from under him and ripped my hand free.
He was stunned as he fell face first into my boobs.
Pushing him off I flipped him under me and pinned his hands to his back.
"That was a dirty trick." Marco complained blushing intensely.
"It was that or kicking you in the nuts."
I said still pinning him down.
"And I was the one who got landed on."

"Can you get off now." Marco pleaded still blushing.
"Fine." I sighed getting up and offering him a hand.
I quickly surveyed the battlefield and watched as Armin got his ass handed to him repeatedly.
"Hey, Marco can I switch with Armin. He looks like he's about to die." I questioned.

"Sure, but we can fight more when your done right?" He asked hopefully.
"Why are you enjoying yourself?" I asked raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Yeah." He said Blushing.

I went over and talked with Armin and Annie.
We agreed I could have a match or two with Annie.
Armin looked happy to have a break from Annie's ass whoppings.


What will happen next?
Will Marco get kicked in the balls? Will I have boob bruises?
Hope you liked it!
If not, sorry.
Why are you still reading if you don't like it?
Please comment (:.-_-.:) <3
Freckles out, bye!
(Not sure who drew the pic sorry 😐 it's really good though)

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