*Chapter Six*

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It's been about a year now not much has changed.
We started battle strats and attacking wood cut outs of Titans.
Jean, Armin, Marco and I always ate and talked together.
Marco was a closer friend than Jean or Armin though.

Marco was just always there for me, and I tried my hardest to always be there for him.
I had liked him since the day we first met, but now I was sure.
Telling him wouldn't be hard, but it had to be soon.
Deciding to wait for the right just time, I walked to lunch.
That's when I saw the freckled angel.

Upon closer inspection and saw that he was a crying mess.
I had never seen Marco this devastated.
Never to the point of tears, I had to find out what was wrong.
"Marco?" My voice echoed down the hall.
He saw me and started running.
Running after him I saw him turning a corner and go into a closet.

Walking up to the door you gently knock.
"Hey, Marco you in there." No one replied, I sighed and weighed my options.
Quietly I went in and shut the door behind me.
It was almost pitch black but I could just make out Marco's figure sitting in the corner.
"I don't want you to see me like this, please go away." Marco tried to hold back a sob.
"Marco, I would never leave you to cry all alone." I sat next to him and pulled him into a hug.

An embrace, my embrace and me just being their made Marco cry less.
Together we stayed their holding one another.
"I-I'm so scared, what if we die tomorrow." He cried shakily his voice breaking.
"I'm not ready to die." He wept into my shoulder.
"I won't let you die." I whispered feeling my own tears beginning to fall.

Tomorrow was the day we were attempting to reclaim trost from the Titans.
The first day of real action, real danger.
"Marco, If you die I will die to, so you don't have to be alone."
I let him go slightly to wipe away his tears.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss.
At first I was a little shocked but,
then I realized what was happening.
Marco deepened the kiss our tongues mingling as we got to know one another's taste.

His kiss held all his fear, worry and most of all his unconditional love.
Marco had never kissed me on the lips before.
On the cheek a dozen times probably, but never like this.
He was so full of raw emotion.
I felt like my heart was going to explode with every beat.

Truth be told this was my first kiss and it was shared with the person I loved most.
I let go slightly so we could breath and we both were a blushing mess.
Marco was so shocked at what he had done and ran away ashamed.
I tried calling after him, but I was out of breath.

Hey guys, hope you liked my story so far.
If not I don't really care but, please comment if you do somehow like my work. <3
Do it for the Freckled one. (:.^•^.:)
Not sure who made the pic I think there might be a name on it.

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