*Chapter Seven*

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   ~ Go to chapter 11 for bad end ~

  Today was the day I and most the recruits went to trost, to kill the Titans inside the wall.
Marco and I were in the same squad, so I kept a close eye on him.
I turned down the offer to lead my own squad and requested that I would be put Marco's.
After all I was second ranked out of the recruits.

Thankfully, I was put in Marco's squad, but I still worried.
'Could I even protect him, if I had to?' I thought looking over at Marco.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Armin being attacked by a titan.
Rushing over, I slaughtered it in one quick blow.
"Hey Armin, are you ok?" He nods and gets up.

"Shit." I said looking back at where Marco had been.
I heard a familiar scream and ran towards it to see Marco getting picked up by a titan.
I ran forward launching myself towards it and slicing deep into the nap of its neck.
I heard a sickening crack and screaming.
Marco was falling and I swooped down catching him.

As I landed on the roof I could feel his warm blood dripping onto me.
I could barely see through my tears as I made sure he was alive.
He was missing his right arm and it was bleeding profusely.
'Thank the Walls, you're still alive.' I thought my mind racing through medical proceeders.

I quickly set him down and begin ripping up the bottom off my shirt.
Tying the fabric tightly around his mangled stub to stop the bleeding.
He grimaced starting to come out of shock.
"A-Am I dead?" He questioned eyes full of  pain and fear.

"No, but your hurt badly." I elaborated trying to remain calm.
I saw a building good enough to hide in until the reinforcements came.
As I picked him, his face was stricken with pain.
"Hold on tight. It's my turn to carry you to safety." I reassured him as I took off in the direction of the building.

I entered through a window feet first breaking it.
My legs were punctured with a glass shards and started to bleed, but that was the least of my worries.
I set Marco down gently on the edge of what I assumed was a kitchen counter.
I pushed everything in the way off onto the floor I laid him down.
Racing around I found some things that would work as medical supplies.
Alcohol, a large serrated knife, smaller filleting knife, water, a clean sheet, a needle and thread were what I found.

I removed Marco's harness, tattered shirt, and jacket.
"What are you doing?!" He grimaced as I stared to strap him to the counter with the remains of his harness.
"You're bleeding. Drink this it will help with the pain." I handed him the bottle.
He drank a few sips and coughed handing it back.

I slashed a few piece of leather of his harness and covered it with the alcohol.
Setting down the bottle I wrapped the strap around the base of his right arm.
Carefully I pulled it tight cutting off the blood circulation.
"Bite this and try not to scream." I said putting a piece of the harness in his mouth.

I slowly took off his bandages, hot
blood dripped from his stub.
Throwing the bloody rags to the floor I took the bottle of alcohol and dribbled a generous amount onto Marco's wound.
I took the fish knife and doused it as well.
Slicing his flesh back off of the bone in two tongue like shapes.  Folding his flesh back slightly, fully exposing the bone.
Taking the serrated knife and dousing it with alcohol I began sawing through the bone.

Marco's muffled screams filled my head as he squirmed under my grip.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as the sharp blade cut through his bone. 
All he could do was watch and feel every single slice.
With a final grating noise I had completely cut through it.
I knocked it into a bucket at my feet so I had room to work.

Marco had stayed conscious the entire time, so much he had endured.
Dipping the needle and tread into the the alcohol I began to suture the flesh back over the bone.
As I Finished up sewing his wound closed I drenched it with the last of the booze.
Cutting the sheet into strips I bandaged up Marco's stub.
Adding a few layers of the sheet over the fresh stitched wound, I wrapped the last few strips tightly around his stub.
After I tied the final strips together I took off the straps and helped him sit up.
Gently I took the strip of leather out of his mouth as he unclenched his jaw.
He was shaking and exhausted, but he had survived.

I walked him over to the rickety bed and laid him down to rest.
After Propping his stub on a pillow and got him a glass of water I sat down on the floor next to him.
"M-Marco... I'm so sorry. I wasn't there, I could have..." tears fell down my cheeks.
"D-don't blame yourself.." He wheezed tiredly.
"You did save me after all." He reassured me with a sigh.
"Marco... today made me realize that....
I could lose you at any second, l-I love you Marco more than anything." You said crying. I kissed him gently on the cheek.
"I love you too. From the first time I saw you." Marco

                   ~le time skip~

"How are you feeling." I asked.
"Better but, a little hungry." He replied.
"I'll find some food." I looked and stumbled across some bread and canned vegetables.
"I found some food it's not much but..."
"Good." He said taking a bite of bread.
I looked outside and it was getting darker.

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