The One Where The Funeral's Planned

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The terror went on for weeks, every time they saw Percy or Kyle around the castle Fred and George would just smile and walk on as if nothing had happened. There was no tricks, no pranks, not even any words said and it was killing them. The two girls were constantly on edge, waiting for the ball to drop. But it never did.

Kyle had spent more time talking about the two boys then Draco did talking about Harry, and it was really beginning to wind up her Slytherin friends.

"It's been almost a month, they've got to do something soon right? They can't leave it forever. Oh my God, what if they do? What if they leave it for years. Merlin! I don't think my heart could cope with that strain." She rambled on, fidgeting around on one of the sofa's in the centre of the Slytherin common room.

"Kayla." Draco's tired voice cut through her rant, he refused to call her Kyle, much to her annoyance. "For the fourth time this evening, I don't know! I can't tell you what the Weasel boys will do. But I can tell you that if you don't shut up I'm going to throw this book at your head."

"Shut up Dragon Boy, I've had to put up with your rants about Harry." She tilted her head up and looked down on him "Saint Potter!" She sneered in a near perfect imitation of Draco. Crabbe snorted from a few seats away but quickly turned it into a cough when Draco looked at him. Blaise outright laughed and even Pansy had to suppress a smile, suddenly finding her homework very interesting.

"Kayla." Draco repeated, he never got mad at her anymore, after three years of near-constant teasing even Draco had to get used to it.

"Dragon boy." Huffed Kyle. Although she refused to admit it the constant fear of being pranked was slowly killing her, she was always looking behind her shoulder expecting one of the twins to be sneaking up behind her. Or checking her food at meal times as if she were expecting it to explode at any given second, it'd gone so far the girl had even been losing sleep.

Although she knew full well the boys had absolutely no way of getting into her dorm, she couldn't help but remember the time she and Percy had paid Ron five galleons to sneak itching potion, which lasts for twenty four hours, into their room. He'd spread it all over their beds just as they'd asked, and even put a little extra on their pyjamas, it had been hilarious to see the two of them itching at breakfast the next day.

However now it only caused Kyle to become more unsettled knowing there were a whole lot of kids in Hogwarts, especially in Slytherin, who would do just about anything for a few extra galleons.


As for Percy she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, explaining to Neville how she was sure she'd experienced at least three heart attacks and perhaps two panic attacks in the time it took to walk from her dorm to where she now sat beside him in the Gryffindor common room. Living in such close proximity to Fred and George had detrimental effects on her health.

Rather then getting annoyed at the constant ranting like the Slytherins, the Gryffindor's saw it as some kind of sport. The betting had started up again and every watched with rapt attention whenever they happened to be in the same room. Lee Jordan had gone as far as commentating everything that happened as if they were on the Quiddich field.

Neville, Seamus, Dean and Drea were nervous by connection, it was very likely they'd get caught in the crossfire when the pranks did eventually start. Also with two of their group in constant fear they couldn't help but feel it a bit too.

"I kinda feel bad about all the things we've done to them."

Neville nodded in response, just letting her talk, he knew what his friend needed and at the moment that was just to rant.

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