The One Where Snape's A Whiney Bitch

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On top of the punishment for fighting, Fred and George were banned from the Quiddich team for the next month. That meant missing valuable practises and the first two games of the season. The twins weren't the only ones who had a few complaints about that. McGonagall to her credit didn't budge, even though she was also disappointed by the harsh loss Gryffindor faced in the first game.

As for Neville, he had been on time for every single detention (even though Kyle had been nagging him not to go because he'd done nothing wrong). Dean, Seamus and Drea had all been constantly hanging around with Percy and Kyle waiting for some more gossip, but after a few weeks they'd grown bored, the two girls were far too stubborn to talk to the twins again. They'd both decided they were no longer mad at Fred and George, after all they had made a mistake and had more then paid for it, but they were definitely not going to be the ones to make the first move.

Fred and George weren't going to make the first move either, they were also stubborn as hell and they had no clue whether they'd been forgiven or not. So in a totally uncharacteristic way they focused on school work, after all their OWL's were that year and there's only so much time to be spent worrying about third years. Even more so now that they had no Quiddich practices and had to be more careful with their pranks, not wanting to do anything to set their head of house off again.


"Who wants to do my homework for me?" Ron asked Dean and Neville as he sat opposite them in the common room, that group always seemed to adopt members of the Golden Trio when they were alone.

"Is that the boggarts one?" Dean asked, grabbing the parchment from the other boys hand. All he got was a nod in reply as Ron had laid his head in his arms on the arm of the sofa, seemingly ready to fall asleep.

"Ron that was due weeks ago. Hasn't Lupin let you off twice now?"

He didn't get a reply, Ron was already snoring. Dean rolled his eyes and placed the parchment down on the coffee table in front of them and stood up, stretching his arms.

"I don't blame him, essays are enough to send anyone to sleep." Kyle lent against the back of the sofa, Percy stood behind her. Suddenly Kyle's eyes lit up "I guess you could say these boggart essays are a bit riddikulus!" She beamed at everyone in the room who'd been listening in, only to be met with looks of exasperation.

Dean stopped mid-stretch and groaned at Kyle's joke mumbling something about being too tired for this. As for Percy she stood behind Kyle staring at her with her eyebrows raised, when they had eye contact she tutted earning a guilty grin from Kyle.

"You aren't seriously going to take credit for that are you?" She questioned.

"I mean, I was but now you've made it obvious."

"Draco made almost the exact same joke in the lesson."

"Okay, okay." Kyle threw up her hands as if she'd just been discovered committing a crime. "You didn't have to tell everyone... That was a good class though."

"Until Harry's fear tried to kill us you mean?" Neville pointed out.

"Yeah that was fucking hilarious-"

"Language!" Two voices from behind them butted it, sounding hurt by the mere thought that Kyle would swear. The voices, of course, belonged to the same red-headed twins who had been avoiding them for the past three weeks.

In that time the four of them had once again become a popular topic of gossip (and a few bets) for the rest of the school. Second only to the rumour that the reason Lupin was always missing lessons because he was an international spy working for the French government- no one knows exactly where that idea originated from.

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