The One Where There's Dragons

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The day of the first task dawned grey and chilly. Students and teachers bundled up in warm hats, scarfs and coats filed into the stadium that now stood in the Forbidden Forest.

The distant roar of dragons was enough to make everyone excited and slightly nervous and the shouts of Fred and George were enough to make a lot of people give them their money.

Percy managed to get them to shut up in time for the first competitor (Fred and George, not the dragons). She sat between them watching as Cedric Diggory fought the Swedish Short Snout. Though perhaps 'fought' isn't the best word for it, he expertly tricked the dragon by turning a boulder into a Labrador and stole the egg.

Fleur's task was also relatively straight forward, the only thing that went wrong was her robes catching on fire.

Krum wasn't so luck, the curse he hit the dragon with causes it to lash out. While Krum still managed to get the golden egg, many of the others were damaged.

"Charlie's not going to be happy with him." Fred muttered as they watched Charlie and a few others try to calm and very worked up dragon so they could get it out ready for Harry's turn.

Then Harry fought his dragon, once again 'fought' probably wasn't an appropriate word for it. He summoned a broom and drew the dragon away from its eggs, managing to swoop in a tale the golden one with only minimal damage to the castle.

Most of the school was on their feet as Harry grabbed the egg, Gryffindor house cheering loudest of all.

The scores were announced a little bit later, Harry coming in first despite the damage to the castle.


Then it was announced: Dancing lessons!

Every student was required to take dancing lessons with their head of year. To Kyle this sounded like some kinda of elaborate prank that Dumbledore was playing on students and teachers alike.

Still, she wasn't going to miss the opportunity to watch Snape embarrass himself so was very prompt in turning up for the lesson.

Or at least she would have been had she not been stopped.

Had anyone been around they would have wondered what business Mad-Eye Moody had with a fourth year Slytherin.

Thankfully no one was there to do see it.


Ron being dragged into a dance by Mcgonagal was enough to make anyone's day. Sadly that was followed by the insistence that everyone must join in.

The girls were all up for it.

The boys were not.

For the first five minutes Neville was the only boy who was willing to even get out of his seat to join in. The others obviously thought that they were too 'cool' for it.

With a lot of prompting from Mcgonagal the boys eventually began to stand and find partners to dance with.

Fred walked over to Percy who was keeping as close to the wall as possible. He took her hand and bowed "May I have this dance?"

The girl looked sceptical about it and whispered "Fred I can't dance for shit."

"Don't worry, I'll show you." He grinned and lead her into the dance floor.

Once there he discovered how truly awful Percy was at dancing, she managed to stand on his feet five times in three minutes. The first time was pretty funny, but now Fred was worried he'd come out of this endeavour with a broken toe.

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