The One Where It's Christmas Day

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It was half past seven when the house was woken up on Christmas Day. As predicted it was Trystan who was so blame for their rousing as the boy went from room to room knocking on doors and jumping on beds, until it was certain that every person in the household was awake.

"I wanna go home." Kyle whined when she was woken, she was awful at early mornings even if it was Christmas.

"I guess you don't want your presents then." Felix teased, stood just outside Percy's bedroom door in his pyjamas. "Hurry up and get up. We're not allowed to open presents until everyone's there and I think Trystan is going to have a mental breakdown."

"Let him, he woke me up." Kyle pulled herself out from her cocoon of blankets and pulled on her dressing gown. "Why is that kid always sleeping but today he thinks it's fine to be up at this ungodly hour?"

Percy and Felix both ignored her comments, it had been the same when she'd come to stay with them the year before.

They arrived downstairs to find everyone gathered around the tree in the living room, Trystan near shaking with excitement. Eli was the opposite and had already fallen asleep again on the sofa.

Nathan and Charlotte were sat next to him drinking coffee, Charlotte appearing completely composed while Nathan had the worst bed hair imaginable. The blond tufts stuck up in all directions like an overgrown garden. Not dissimilar to the state Eli's hair was in.

Levi sat on the floor next to Trystan, also looking completely flawless like his mother. Like he had been up for hours having time to have a shower and perfectly style his hair.

"I hate you." Kyle mumbled as she sat next to him. Percy sat at Eli's feet and was well on the way to joining her brother in the land of dreams.

However, Trystan wasn't going to allow his family to sleep away Christmas and therefore let out a high-pitched shrieking sound causing Percy and Eli to jump awake. The others simply cringed at the inhumane sound and sat up a little straighter showing Trystan they were, now, completely ready for Christmas. He looked increasing pleased with himself and since he had everyone's undivided attention he began handing out gifts from under the tree.


Around two hours later all the gifts had been given out and, thankfully, Trystan had managed to calm down a little. Percy's mum had prepared breakfast for everyone, sadly there were no blueberry pancakes due to Levi's allergy but never the less there was plenty to chose from.

Despite this Percy spent the entire time glaring at Levi and mumbling curses under her breath while Levi stared back both amused and scared.

Once they'd devoured their food (which didn't take long) everyone helped clear up the mess and then retreated back to their rooms to get dressed, or in Eli's case to sleep- he seemed to have taken Trystan's role for the day.

"I am so full I might just die." Whined Kyle as she flopped, face down, onto her make-shift bed in Percy's room.

"I told you to stop after your fourth slice of toast, but no, why would you listen to me? Your lovely, amazing, good looking, best friend." Percy voiced with a grin.

Kyle attempted to pull the pillow out from beneath her face to throw but gave up instantly and instead stuck a insincere middle finger up at her friend, which was complimented with a muffled 'fuck you'. Percy was about to retaliate when she heard the unmistakable scratch of a barn own at her window. She started towards it when she recognised it as Errol, the Weasley's family owl.

"Kyle I think Fred and George wrote to us." Percy told her as she opened the window and removed the letter from his mouth.

"Can you read it aloud? I'm feeling rather weak and I don't want to risk dropping the parchment onto my face because I could scratch my corneas and loose all focus in my eyes which would be absolutely tragic." Kyle ranted still laying on her front, but now facing Perce. Percy just rolled her eyes attempting to supress a smile at how dramatic Kyle could be and began reading.

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