The One Where There's a Ball

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"You look gorgeous." Draco smiled, not his usual smug grin, a real genuine smile that only seemed to appear around Kyle.

He was dressed in sleek, black dress robes, his platinum hair was slicked back. He looked good and he knew it.

Kyle took the hand that was offered to her and the two walked into the Great Hall.

They stood at the edge of the group as the champions danced with their dates (or in Harry's case attempted to dance).

"Potter looks like he has bees in his trousers." Draco whispered with a snigger. Kyle giggled and nodded.

"Shut up and dance with me." She pulled him onto the dance floor where a few other couples had joined the champions. They once again put everyone to shame with their dance training, looking incredibly graceful especially compared to Harry's tragic dancing.

It was fifteen minutes later when Kyle caught sight of Percy being dragged onto the dance floor against her will. Soon Evelyn had her giggling and spinning around with the rest (they almost fell over three times that Kyle saw).

"Would you like a drink?" Draco asked after ten more minutes, the dance floor was now packed with people, it was hot and tiring.

Kyle nodded and let herself be lead from the dance floor over to one of the beautifully decorated tables.

She was silent as they grabbed drinks and sat down, he eyes still glued on Percy. How could she be so carefree? Kyle envied her ignorance, she had no clue what was coming.

"You haven't told her." Draco stated. They had both been sworn to secrecy, but still he doubted that Kyle could keep a secret from her best friend.

"What do you think?" She snapped, she regretted the words the second they left her mouth and sighed, "No, I haven't said a word, don't worry."

Draco moved his chair closer and took her hand under the table, "Father says that this is the only way to ensure peace and protect magic. We need to stay on the right side." He kept his voice low, no one would be able to hear them and even then neither of them said exactly what they were talking about.

Kyle didn't believe that, though she wasn't sure what she believed at this point. The girl rested her head on Draco's shoulder, their hands still linked. The two watched their peers in silence, it was nice to watch their happiness and pretend, just for a moment, that everything was normal.

"You really do look gorgeous." Draco whispered, had they been alone he may have kissed her, but as they were he was not willing to show any further affection (weakness, his father's voice sneered in his head).


"I think I'm gonna puke." Percy laughed as she was spun by Evelyn again, the two had been twirling around the dance floor for god knows how long.

Evie smiled and shook her head "You've already said that, at yet, we're both completely vomit free."

"I bet your toes are all broken." Percy was coming up with any reason to leave the dance.

Evie rolled her eyes and gave in, taking Percy's hand as they left the crowded dance floor. She glanced over at her date, only to see the girl staring at something in the distance, or rather someone in the distance.

"What drink so you want?" The older girl asked, trying to get her attention.

Percy drew her eyes away from a red-headed boy dancing on the other side of the room. "Pardon?"

"Drinks, Perce." Evie smiled fondly, she couldn't be annoyed at Percy, looking wasn't a crime.

"Drinks. Yes, good, nice." Percy muttered as she went to get a drink. "It's a shame they won't serve alcohol, it would be nice to see Snape get shitfaced."

Evie rolled her eyes, Percy seemed all innocent until she came out with stuff like that, especially with that little grin on her lips.

They got a glass of pumpkin juice each and leant against the wall as they watched the dancing. "Thank you for coming with me." Evie said quietly, placing a soft kiss on Percy's cheek.

The other girl blushed, moving just that little bit closer so their shoulders touched, "Thank you for inviting me."

They were silent for a moment, Percy's attention drawn back to Fred across the room, he'd said something to make his date, Angelina, laugh. Percy looked back to her own date who's attention also seemed to be elsewhere. "How are your OWLs going?"

"Good." Evie replied, turning his head to look at her again. "The professors are working us really hard. Binns is being abnormally tough on me, he keeps setting me extra work because I'm the only person in the class who doesn't sleep though the lesson- it's like I'm being punished for being a good student."

"That's shit." Percy mumbled sympathetically, that would be her next year struggling through exams.

Just then the music quietened and the tables filled with food, as much as any feast at Hogwarts if not more. Percy grabbed her date's hand and dragged her to the nearest table where Dean and Seamus sat together.

"May I join you or is this table reserved for the gays?" Drea asked, she looked stunning far from the little girl who was bullied in first year. Her crimson silk dress was beautiful against her dark brown skin, she wore a teasing smile on her lips as she sat at the table with them. Beside her sat a boy from Durmstrung who's name Percy couldn't remember and didn't want to ask.

"It was meant to be reserved but we'll make an exception, just this once, for you." Seamus replied, already filling his plate with food from the centre of the round table.


The meal was filled with laughter, food puns and small talk with the Durmstrung boy (who Percy was sure she must know the name of).

It wasn't long before the tables were emptied of their food and the students sat around chatting, a few danced but most waited for the Weird Sisters performance they knew was coming. The music picked back up again, this time with more current songs rather then ones you would waltz to.

"May I have this dance?" Felix approached the table and offered his hand to his sister.

She, of course, accepted with a smile and let herself be led to the sparsely populated danced floor. The two were both awful dancers so after trying to dance for a few minutes they settled on swaying in time to the music- less people would get hurt that way.

"Your date is beautiful." Percy remarked, sparing a glance over to the Beaubatons girl who Felix had brought with him to the Ball.

"She is, though I've gotten to the stage where just staring at her is getting a bit boring." He answered with a small sigh.

"You know you could use these little things called words and talk to her?"

"I wish, we've discovered this evening that with my slight Bulgarian accent and her very strong French one it's hard for us to understand what the other is saying."

Percy laughed and shook her head "Didn't you think to speak to her before you invited her?"

"In hindsight that would have been a good idea but she was pretty so I asked her and she said yes."

"That wasn't the best idea."

"Neither was you coming here with a girl who you don't actually have feelings for instead of the boy you've been pining after for a year." He shot back.

Percy looked down, her cheeks turning pink. "I have feelings for Evie."

"Like in a relationship way or like as a friend who you think is kinda hot?"

She glared at him but it had no real anger behind it "I don't appreciate you trying to be my therapist."

"I'm just saying, I want what's best for you."

"I know." She kissed his cheek. "I need to get back to my date."


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