The One Where Dates are Made

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"I'm going to ask her," Fred stated, plonking himself down on his bed. "Tomorrow morning at breakfast in going to ask her."

"Ask who what?" George asked, pulling on his pyjama top. Of course he knew who and what his twin was talking about.

"I'm going to ask Percy to the Yule Ball, idiot." The older twin answered, staring up at the ceiling.

Lee came in brushing his teeth just to shout "Fucking finally!" He then disappeared back into the bathroom.

George laughed and climbed into his own bed, "You've waited long enough, I was starting to think Frecy would never happen."


"Its mine and Kyle's ship name for you and Percy."

Fred's cheeks were dusted with a layer of red and he turned away from his brother.

"It's Kyle and I." Lee came back in to correct George's grammar with a proud smirk on his lips.

He received a pillow in the face.


"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure, you've been telling me to do this for weeks don't change your mind now."

"I'm not, I'm waiting for you to change your mind."

"Sod off, George." With that Fred walked into the Great Hall, making a beeline for the Gryffindor table where Percy was sat with Neville.

He was almost there when he was intercepted. Suddenly he had two arms hooked with his own as two boys dragged him back the other way.

"You don't want to do that." Levi said, his tone serious as he and Eli dragged Fred from the Hall and behind a wall.

Fred rolled his eyes "I get that you're her older brothers but I think she can decide for herself."

"No." Eli shook his, blond hair falling over his eyes. "We're trying to save you a lot of embarrassment here."

"What do you mean?" George asked, he had been watching them in amusement up until this point.

It was Felix who answered, coming out if the great hall after having watched all of that, "He means, Percy already has a date."

"With who?" Fred was covering his disappointment with disbelief, maybe this was just a trick to stop him asking out their sister.

"Evelyn, that Hufflepuff girl in the year above that she's always around." Felix explained, "I'm really sorry, mate." He shrugged and went back into the ref hall, Levi following behind him.

"Maybe there's someone else you can ask." Eli said softly. "If it helps I'm sure she could have said yes if you'd asked sooner." Eli ruffled Fred's hair much like he would to one of his younger brothers then left the twins.

"I'm sorry Freddie." George said softly, patting his brother on the back.

"Don't be, plenty of other girls." Fred's smile looked only a little bit forced.

By the time he got back to the common room that evening Fred had a date to the ball.


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