The One Where Fred Gets Flicked

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"I don't really know, she's been very hush-hush on that front." Percy shrugged.

The girl was sat with her back against a tree outside the Weasley family home, Fred on her left and George on her right. The three were drinking bottles of butterbeer as they watched the sun set behind the Burrow. The fading light made it seem as though the mismatched house was glowing, casting a slightly lopsided shadow on the grass below.

"But she must have said something, are they friends again?"

"I bloody well hope not, he's a complete toaster."

"Oh and you're not?"

The blonde watched the twins banter with an amused grin but let her thoughts drift to other matters.

It was true Kyle had been very quiet about her relationship with Draco, even Percy had no clue were they stood. Every time she'd tried to bring up the topic in letters Kyle had quickly changed the subject, in the few days they'd spent together over the summer holidays Percy hadn't managed to extract the answers from her best friend.

Between trips that the Jasper family went on and the days Kyle's parents insisted they needed her at home, the two girls hadn't seen each other nearly as much as they wanted to.

Kyle had remarked in her last letter that she was suffering from extreme separation anxiety and was bored out her head.


"Kayla, your father and I are going to work, you're expected at Malfoy manor at noon, dress respectfully." Kyle's mother told her as she picked up her coat and headed for the door.

"Wait, why?" Kyle questioned with a mouth full of cereal.

"Kayla. Don't speak with your mouth full, what will people think of this family." Her mother replied, looking disappointed as usual. Kyle over dramatically swallowed her mouthful of cereal before following her mum into the hallway.

"Why can't I just stay at home?"

"You're going and that's final, see you later Kayla." She said as she walked out the door, closing it behind her.

"Right, bye mum." She mumbled as she dragged herself upstairs to get dressed.


Around two hours later, one of which was spent sitting in a towel on her bed, Kyle was ready to go. She chose to wear black skinny jeans, a plain long sleeve white top, converse and her old jean jacket, which her mum definitely wouldn't consider 'respectful'.

She was half way through singing her heart out to some shitty song on the radio when she caught a glimpse of the clock; with a sigh she took herself to the front room, not without dragging her feet, and climbed into the fireplace.


"Ah Kayla darling how lovely to see you." Draco's mum voiced as she, very ungracefully, scrambled out the fireplace.

"Hi Mrs. Malfoy" Replied Kyle as she brushed herself off.

"Call me Narcissa, I insist, we've known one another long enough don't you think." Mrs Malfoy questioned with a smile. Kyle just nodded and smiled back, she'd be told this many times but in all honesty she just always forgot how to pronounce her name.

"Draco will be in his room, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She said as she left Kyle to see herself upstairs.

Kyle made her way upstairs, instantly regretting her decision to run up two stairs at a time as she could no longer breathe properly.

"Ugh you're so unhealthy" She mumbled to herself as she made her way down the corridor to Draco's room.

"Eh I'll diet next week" Kyle reasoned with herself, but then started doing a weird low giggle, she knew she wasn't gonna diet. Taking a sharp left she was at Draco's door, without knocking she let herself in meeting the eyes of a very startled, topless, Draco Malfoy.

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