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9 Years later....

"Mom!" Shouted the serpent resembling teenage girl that had auburn hair sun kissed skin and violet mixed with black eye color with a very well formed physique large bosoms and a nice behind as the neighborhood boys put it. "I can't find my purple miniskirt you know the one with the beige belt!" she complained to her very pregnant mother. "Erika your father threw it away he said it was too short!" Rio said from the kitchen. Erika went to the living room where her dad was sitting sipping on some booze.

"Daddy why did you throw away my favorite skirt? Now what am I supposed to wear to my date eh?" she questioned and hissed like a snake. ."You can always wear curtains, they're very fashionable." Cobra suggested. Eren chuckled at his father's remark which slightly annoyed Erika. Cobra smirked and continued to drink his booze. Erika went back in her room and picked out a purple strapless tube top, and blue jean booty shorts and headed out snapping a pair of black combat boots on. "See ya daddy, bye Eren and bye mom I'm off to my date!" Erika waved heading out the door. Cobra's eye twitched at his daughters choice of clothing, and ran after her shouting come back here and put the damn curtains on, Yup what a happy and crazy family. Best to keep it that way, because they are never going to change.

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