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         Rio and Cobra have met before. Rio used to work at pub before she joined the infamous Fairy Tail guild, that's when she first laid eyes on the auburn haired man. He appeared to have a mysterious look on him as if he knew what she was thinking, and that she was looking at him. The man resembled somewhat a snake in a way. Rio couldn't get enough of his looks. That auburn hair, that sun kissed skin of his and, her favorite feature of them all, the smirk he had on his lips every time she caught a glimpse of him. The man's eyes were slanted and his pupils were a violety black mixed color. Again they were mesmerizing, just like a snakes'.

Rio wasn't too bad looking herself; she had these big beautiful hazel orbs, rosy pink locks that reached just above her shoulders, a slight tan and, a very curvaceous physique, consisting of large bosoms and very nice behind, as the costumers usually referred. Cobra knew she was interested in him. He wasn't about to let this opportunity pass before him, he thought he'd have fun before he was to come back and meet with the rest of Oracion Seis. He eyed her. She could tell he was looking her way. Rio tried to act casual but she would sneak a glance at him every once in a while. "Waitress!" he called out.

Rio rushed towards him holding a white cloth on her right hand and a water pitcher on her left.

"How can I help you?" Rio asked the man, flashing a smile at his way. "Sake.. I want Sake!" Cobra demanded.

Rio proceeded to the liquor cabinet below and took out a whole bottle of Sake and poured some in a shot glass.

"Would that be all Sir?" she added.

"Actually no, why don't you join me, and maybe we could down a couple of shots together?...That is, if you aren't too scared to hang out with a stranger like me!?"

There it was again that sexy smirk of his. She felt her heart skip a beat when he motioned for her to take a seat in the stool next to his. Rio blushed at his action and replied with "I would love to accompany you but, you'll have to wait a while though, my shift is almost ending." She stated.

Cobra huffed,but waited patiently until her shift completed. Rio then sat next to him, and all she could think was, how handsome and nice seemed; little did she know that he was one of the dark mages of the dark guild Oracion Seis . Cobra heard her thoughts, and another evil smirk appeared"How naïve" he thought, "She clearly has no idea who I am. I might just have fun with her for a while before I leave, she won't remember a thing after i'm done with her." Cobra handed her a glass of Sake but she kindly refused at first, he persuaded her to take it, by  saying she was no fun and that no one likes a boring girl, so in the end, she ended up taking the drink, and drowning it down with a big gulp.

Time passed and Rio was on her 15th shot, while  Cobra was only on his 7th, purposely trying to get her drunk, meanwhile when 7 shots was just a mere joke for him.

Rio began to feel the effects of the alcohol kick in. She was feeling tipsy and had no control of her actions at the moment. She began to act seductively, flirtatiously winking at him, caressing his cheek and biting her lower lip showing the lust, and desire she had towards him.

Cobra played along as well, doing his part in seducing the pink haired beauty. When the hunger for each other  called, they proceeded to move to a more private place, just  a local inn for travelers, where he swept her off her feet like if she were a princess...Wrong.. He just merely used her for his own amusement, taking her innocence, and marking her as his. he didn't care if she would regret it the next day, it didn't matter to him what would happen to her. After all,  he just wanted to release his hunger and sexual frustration on this poor unfortunate soul. That night the poison dragon slayer had his name screamed, and moaned to the heavens, after he sexed her brains out like a pro. He thought he'd lose his ability to hear all thanks to her loud screams of pleasure. He'd never met anyone who was that loud in bed before..

The following morning before Rio could wake up, Cobra got up, got dressed,  and took his leave. Before stepping out the door, he glanced back with a sinister look,  smirking at her lying form, sound asleep on the bed, naked underneath a pile of white sheets.

The morning sun shone brightly on her sleeping form, making her eyelids flutter, and slightly open. Rio groaned in pain, all of her body ached, from head to toe. Especially in between her legs. That pain was far more excruciating. She slowly sat up and held her head for it was pounding nonstop, she didn't remember a thing from yesterday, only a man with auburn hair behind a wall of blur.

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