Chapter Five - Heatwave Truth

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"Shit! It's so fucking hot here." Complained Cobra while fanning himself with one of Erika's coloring books, an ice pack laid on his chest. Rio stepped in looking drained.

"Well what do you expect, it's summer and we're stuck here." She snapped back grabbing the ice pack off his chest and placing it on hers. "Hmmm...Much better!" Cobra glared at her but then figured it wasn't worth a fight, he was too hot to care at the moment.

"It's no use I can't take this heat. I can't go to the guild pool because it's way too full, and well Natsu-Kun might want to drown you." Rio implied lazily.

"To hell with Salamander!" Cobra snarled.

"Mommy it's hot.. I don't like it!" Erika whined stomping her tiny feet on the ground. Eren followed after her practically dragging himself and plopping down on the floor next to his mom and dad. As if on cue Rio's brain lit a light bulb inside her head, signaling that she's come up with a new idea...Oh boy...

"I have an idea, why don't we go the beach!" Rio suggested in a giddy way.

"Yeah it's great idea...but one problem, I'm on parole smart one..." Cobra snapped back at her.

"I never said you'd be coming with us." She teased. "Ha-ha-ha you're sooo funny! Cobra mocked with a sarcastic laugh.

"Relax I was joking. Don't worry about the magic council coming after your ass, they won't. As long as I'm supervising, duh..." Rio said getting up and heading to her room and her kid's to pack for the beach.

"Technically I'm the one has to supervise you. You nearly killed us last time in the market...When there's a sign displayed that says "Do not touch" in all capital letters, it's there for a reason, but since you're so wise you touched the object and it exploded...If it wasn't for me getting you and the kids out of there in time, we've all been cooked." Cobra yelled across the room. Rio ignored his scolding and proceeded to pack all the necessities.

Rio was done packing her stuff and went to put on her white bikini. She struggled trying to tie her top, and after many failed attempts she gave up, and groaned in frustration. Cobra rushed to her room after he heard her inhuman screech (it was a groan really)  and asked. "What the hell is wrong with you? I know it's hot but you don't have to puncture my ears with that boisterousness you call your voice." He complained aggravated then stopped and his eye widened at the sight before him.

 Rio was topless and wearing a white bikini piece bottom, She stood there shirtless in front of him as if it was the most normal thing in the world, to have him walk in on her half naked. Cobra sighed at her carelessness and didn't bother to even cover his eye. Why bother it's not the first time she'd parade half naked in front of him, at least this time it was the half part.

Three days ago Rio was bathing with Erika and washing her hair much to Erika's dismay, and the little serpent resembling girl ran out of the bathroom butt naked and giggling her way out, chanting loudly "You can't catch me mommy!" throughout the house, Cobra was just sitting on the couch with Eren playing cards when he spotted his little girl running around naked laughing all the way, he just simply shrugged it off and minded his business, that was until a pink haired bombshell appeared out of the bathroom in all her naked glory, body soaked in water, and completely nude chasing after the little child.

Cobra felt the blood in his body reach his head and come out through his nose at the sight of the goddess that bounced before him. He was one lucky man.

Back at Rio's room she crossed her arms under her bare chest expanding it in size much to Cobra's liking, and said. "I can't put my top on because the knot won't tie, it falls every time I try to do it." Cobra rolled his eyes annoyed for the millionth time then stepped inside and grabbed her top.

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