Chapter Four - Date Night

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Six months have passed since Cobra started living with Rio and her kids. Cobra has warmed up to the twins and has started to act like a father figure towards them. Erika not so long ago began to call him "Daddy" and won't stop calling him that. Rio had no problem with it, and Cobra found it annoying at first, but grew used to it. Eren began taking after his sister, but instead he calls him "Dad". After all the time that has passed Cobra still doesn't remember where he'd seen Rio before, and still has no idea those are his children as well. It was a Saturday afternoon and Rio was getting ready to go on a date ....Not with Cobra, but with some guy she met while on a job.

Cobra didn't admit it, but he felt a tad bit jealous, he had developed somewhat of a crush towards the element god slayer mage. She might be naïve, and silly but she has great qualities that attracts him to her, she can cook real good, she's loving, has a sense of humor, patience, doesn't get mad easily, and last but not least crazy strong...She's someone you don't want to piss off.

"I'm ready for my date...Now tell me do I look gorgeous or do I look stunning?" she asked confidently.

"What do you want me to say? You're wearing clothes like any regular person would.. Well except that Fairy Ice stripper who can't keep his clothes on for more than a second." Cobra commented while sitting on the floor with his daughter, coloring a picture of snake. In his lap was his son sitting and handing Cobra what crayons would go best for the snake.

Rio smiled at the sight and walked over to the full body mirror she had hung in the entrance hallway, she did in fact look beautiful. She wore a white floral sundress; it hugged her skin from the waist up and fell loosely all the way to her mid thigh. To accessorize she put on a gold thin necklace with a tiny snake locket with ruby eyes, which Cobra got for her not so long ago. For shoes she went with simple white sandals. She wore only a glossy pink coat of lip gloss. Diamond studded earrings, and she had pinned back her bangs with a gold hairclip as a finishing touch, she looked elegant, yet simple.

That was also one of the many reasons Cobra fell for her, she wasn't gaudy like some girls who would put on extravagant clothing, and layers of make up on to look good, and that wasn't his taste, he liked natural beauty, and Rio had it in his eyes. "Well Erik, take care of the kids for me please, and remember they have to be in bed by 9:30 pm. Bye, see ya later!" she waved off, and headed out the door where her date awaited her. Cobra didn't want to let her go, but who was he to stop her...He was just a prisoner on parole, and she was his babysitter, but it didn't seem that way to anyone who didn't really know them. To foreign eyes they appeared as one happy family. Cobra was looking out for her every now and then and caring for her kids. Not because he's forced to, but because he's grown attached to them.

Cobra has never been this comfortable in all his life, he didn't care that he slept on a couch he was still happy because he felt at home, and he may not admit it to himself, or anyone in particular, but in his heart he considered them family. Although in a sense they technically were, but nor him nor Rio knew it...Yet, Cobra revealed his real name to Rio after several months of living with her. He somehow opened up to her a bit. At first he kept to himself, but after some time spent together he told Rio about his past in the Tower of Heaven, and Oracion Seis. Rio was glad he opened up to her little by little, and with that she started to trust him a little more each day, she was also surprised to hear how oddly similar his name was to her daughters, but she just let it pass by as mere coincidence, and told him she liked his name which raised his ego by a 100%.

"Okay kids, time for bed! Your mother told me you guys have to be tucked in by 9:30pm, and its 9:45pm, I let your bedtime slide by 15 minutes, you're welcome..." Cobra said picking both kids up who were already in night clothes, and put them each on their designated beds and tucked them in.

"Daddy. Can you tell us a bedtime story?" asked little Erika clutching her pink stuffed snake toy that Cobra had bought her when he went to get groceries some days ago. Ever since she got it, she has not let go of that toy. She cherishes it because it's her first gift from her daddy, and also because it's snake. And snakes fascinate her.

Cobra got Eren a gift as well...He wouldn't leave his son without one. Cobra got him a water gun like the ones kids use in pools, and water wars, he got the idea from seeing a couple of boys his son's age in town playing with them, so he went and bought Eren a red one so he could have fun with it, like the other kids. Cobra is such a good dad...

He was now down by the fourth bedtime story, which he had miraculously made up to make the kids fall asleep and Cobra himself was almost about to pass out from exhaustion. Taking care of kids is not as easy as he thought.

Eren is no trouble, but Erika is a challenge. While Eren was already asleep Erika had her eyes slightly open and wouldn't fall asleep just yet...She's a tough cookie. By the time she fell asleep Cobra was nearly knocked out on the floor. He made his way back to the couch snuggled in his pink blankie, manly huh? and shut his eye to go to sleep. It was 1:08 am and a certain little girl woke up from a bad dream, she headed to the living room where Cobra slept and gently tugged on his hair to wake him up.

"Daddy, Daddy, wake up.. I had a bad dream!" the little girl implied while hugging her snake toy close to her. Cobra opened his eye then sat up and saw the little girl and asked,

"What's wrong little serpent?"

"Daddy, I had I bad dream and I can't sleep..." she climbed up the sofa and hugged Cobra tightly for comfort, and rested her head on his shoulder. Cobra held her in his hands caressing her hair softly and waited for her to fall asleep, he laid her on his chest and he laid back down placing his head on the soft pillow and closed his eye once again. Cobra fell asleep peacefully holding his beloved daughter, and her stuffed toy serpent.

A while later after they were both sound asleep, the front door clicked opened to reveal an irritated Rio. Looks like her date didn't go to well. She was mumbling curse words but stopped at the sight before her. It was the most adorable thing she's seen so far. It has shown how much this man truly cares for her kids. She was awed by how her daughter slept peacefully in his arms, and how he held her lovingly like a father would to his own child. For the kids, this man that has been living with them for a while is like their father figure, and cobra has gladly accepted it. This shows Rio that people can truly change for the best. She wished he was the real father of her kids. He's so dearly comforted them,spoiled them, and loved loved them unconditionally, but What Rio has yet to find out is that.  You should be careful what you wish for, because it might just come true.....

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