Chapter One - The After Years

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        Seven years have passed since that fateful night. Rio still doesn't remember a thing about what happened, the owner of the pub fired her after he found out a shocking secret about her.

She wasn't appealing to men anymore, or qualified to work there, after her pregnancy was discovered.

She was devastated.. She had no job, no money, she couldn't use her magic properly during her pregnancy, and she didn't know how she ended up in that state, or how she could possibly forget something that serious. She was ashamed of herself for being so easy to whoever used her, but she decided to leave that in the past and focus on making a better future for her unborn children. And yes.....Children, she ended up having twins. Most people would have called them mistakes, but she didn't see it that way. Those bundles of joy are her whole world and she wouldn't  trade her fate for anything in the name of magic.

 The pink haired beauty traveled long and far, finding her way into lively town called Magnolia, where she spotted a guild, and  was gladly accepted as a member, and given the job as a barmaid for the time, it would have been too dangerous for her to take any job, due to her being pregnant.

After those seven years Rio forgot all about the auburn haired man.

Later came the return of the wizards in the S-class exam from Tenroujima, followed by the GMG where Fairy Tail once again took their place as the best guild in all of Fiore, and took revenge for being laughed at. As of now... Everything was looking up in the Fairy Tail guild. Everyone seemed to be on their best moods and joyful state. The main hall was recuperated, and Fairy Tail was again in their main location, things were back to normal. Or so they thought....

"Erika get down from there! Mom will be furious if she sees you climbing the guild post again." Shouted a seven year old boy at his careless twin sister.

The little girl hissed at the boy like a serpent, and climbed back down. "You're no fun Eren!" she countered crossing her tiny arms on her chest and frowning.

Erika and Eren. Son and daughter of Rio and Cobra, both twins looking identically like their father, sporting sharp pointy fangs, slanted eyes, tan skin, and auburn hair.  While Erika has a more feminine appeal, being a girl and all,  her auburn hair reaching below her waist, bangs pinned back by a butterfly hairclip, and wearing a sky blue sundress, with a pair of silver sandals.

Her looks are deceiving, while appearing to look like the perfect sweet little angel she's said to be. While in reality, she is no angel. She's Fairy Tail's new addition to the list of trouble makers and that little serpent like bundle of crazy, sure knows how to cause it.

On the other hand her twin brother is much calmer, although he mustn't be underestimated either because of his specialty in persuasion. Both kids like their father, inherited the ability of super sensitive hearing, which  includes hearing thoughts on other people's minds, and the lowest voice from miles away.

The twins haven't told their mother about their little ability both finding tons of fun over the fact that she doesn't know about it. They also use it on her as well, agreeing it would ruin the fun, if she were to find out now about it.

Many claim that the twins resemble a certain poison dragon slayer, and even Fairy Tail's master has his doubts about it, but no one has ever confronted Rio about it.

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