Chapter Three - Life at Rio's

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Cobra and the family ate dinner hectically, every now and then Erika would throw sauce, or noodles at her brother, and he shot back at her the same way, so a huge mess was made.

Rio was swirling her noodles with her fork, but a noodle accidentally fell inside her top, which surprisingly showed a great amount of cleavage. The noodle was buried in her large chest and half of the time she spent at the dinner table was, trying to scoop out the noodle from her breast, but in each attempt it somehow slipped from her hand and ended up falling inside again.

The children where a mess, tomato sauce was everywhere, and all over the kids while Rio still struggled with her noodle problem not aware of the mess her kids caused.

Cobra was shocked and dumbfounded once again, "these people are insane" he thought to himself'.

"Hey.. We are not insane!" Erika blurted out pouting.

 "Yeah we heard you mister, that wasn't very nice!" Eren added. Cobra's eyes widened and he gulped,

"I didn't say anything! I only thought it... And how do you know what I was thinking?" Cobra asked flabbergasted.

"We can hear your thoughts, and mom's, and everyone's in the guild. It's very fun especially if they're hiding a secret. I could use it against them for my own benefit." Erika said smirking deviously.

Cobra couldn't believe it, there was someone else besides him that possessed that ability, two kids to be exact, he thought he was the only one. Cobra suspected they were mind readers but not this. He tried not to think about it much for now, since the children might hear his thoughts, he'd have to figure it out when they're not around which would be difficult since they live here. There was definitely something strange about these kids, first their resemblance, then they're ability, and last but not least their personalities reflected towards his in many ways. Both kids were a mix of himself. Erika's deviousness, and Eren's quiet persona, in which he appears as if he's analyzing his surrounding to use it against the opponent.

Cobra dismissed the thought as soon as possible, and proceeded to place his empty plate in the kitchen sink. He saw Rio was still struggling after what seemed like an hour. He rolled his eyes then went back in the kitchen, grabbed a damp cloth, came back to the dining table, and began to clean things up. He wiped the kid's faces and placed them down again, he watched them run off to who knows where.

"I can't believe I'm the one who's babysitting! This bimbo... How can she manage to care for these kids, when they're practically tearing the place apart while she's distracted?" Cobra mumbled to himself. "Oi are you aware that dinner is over?" he asked annoyed. She didn't respond him, or hear him at all, for she was very well focused and determined to get that noodle out, between her large mounds.

Cobra got irritated about being ignored, then went and stuffed his right hand in her Heartz Kreuz tube top between her breasts, and took out the noodle then ate it. Rio gasped at the sudden action then pouted. "Hey...I was going to eat that you meanie!" Rio crossed her arms under her chest making it pop out even more than before.

"Too bad I ate it... Now would you go control your children already..." Rio stood up and imitated his nagging in a mocking matter, then headed to the kid's room where they were quietly sitting on the floor drawing and coloring.

"Clones. Come on now. Bath then bed time, let's go!" She ordered.

"No!" Erika snapped back. Eren was already heading to the bathroom signaling he will have the first bath. Rio was about to grab Erika, when suddenly she took off running, dodging anything in her way when she sped past Cobra who easily turned and quickly grabbed her.

"I-I-I...c-can't keep up with her or I'll ware myself out." Rio said panting and clutching a chair for support.

"Why were you running?" asked a confused Cobra.

"W-well I was about to take the kids a bath, but Erika wouldn't cooperate and so she dashed out, and I had to chase after her..." she stated then took a deep breath...

"My poor baby Eren is probably waiting to be bathed, but I can't be at two places at the same time now...Can I?!" Rio was frustrated, she rubbed her temples to ease the stress but it wasn't helping. "I was just about to take a bath but, I see that's not going to happen anytime soon!"

 Cobra hopelessly implied sighing in defeat. "Oh-oh-oh, could you do me a huge favor?" Rio asked taking a hold of her daughter who struggled her way out. Cobra grunted but gave in anyways.

"Yeah... What do you want?" he coldly asked.

"Would you mind bathing Eren and washing his hair since you're going to take a bath anyways." Cobra rolled his eyes but agreed. It's not like he had no other choice this woman seemed persistent and he wasn't up for nagging.

When Cobra went to bathe with her son Rio went and took out a pink blanket, a white pillow and set them on the living room couch nicely for Cobra, since the house was pretty small it didn't hold space for a guest room so he'd have to sleep on the largest couch she had.

Before Cobra was to come and stay with her, Doranbolt escorted the poison dragon slayer to the market to obtain a few necessities for him like manly deodorant, a toothbrush, clothes, and etc... So Cobra didn't step in there empty handed. After a while Cobra came out wearing navy blue loose fitting shorts that reached his knees without a shirt on, and a towel hanging from his shoulders. He was holding her son who seemed to be wearing matching shorts with him, and a white T-shirt in addition. In that moment Erika somehow made her way up to the top of a book shelf, and wouldn't come down.

"Erika sweetie, mommy needs to take you and herself a bath would you come down please?" No success... Erika was a stubborn child.

Cobra grunted in annoyance and tched, then went in front of the book shelf, extended his arms forward, and as if on cue Erika jumped on into his arms and giggled.

"So she listens to you, a stranger.... But not her own mother? I bet she does that to annoy me..." added Rio. Erika stuck her tongue out at Rio and climbed up to Cobra's shoulders. Then Erika yawned and rubbed her eyes a bit feeling sleepy. She stretched her hands forward reaching for Rio finally giving up.

"M-Mommy..." she called out. Rio took her and went for a nice warm bath, then put her in soft baby blue jammies, and put both kids to bed. She tucked them in first and kissed them goodnight then turned the lights off as her kids dozed off in to a deep slumber.

"Oi Cobra are you going to sleep?" Rio said stepping into her living room wearing a light clearish pink spaghetti strap night dress that reached mid thigh. Cobra would be lying if he said she didn't look delicious.

"Yeah I'm going to sleep..." Rio turned off the light and went to sleep, as well as she was on guard, she wasn't going to underestimate Cobra and risk her children and her life no matter what they've said about him, or that he's changed. For Rio, a once evil mind. can easily switch back no matter how good they've been.

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