Chapter 2

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Kiki pov

Teo: Well well well look who it is *smirks*

Jade: Ew its a rat *makes a face*

If I could just punch her in the face is all I wish for.......

Zay: Why are you even here?

Zavi: Yeah you ugly piece of shit

Kiki: *Ignores and walks to class*

Teo: This bitch....

Jade: Don't worry we'll get her at lunch

Crap........lord help me please


I sat down in my hiding spot at lunch cause I know they don't know where my hiding spot is
Where is it you ask? Wellllll.......It's under the bleachers outside.....yep don't judge me! dayum!

So 20 minutes later I hear voices come around the corner

"Please help lord.......keep me hidden away from them please please please PLEASE!" I thought.

Teo: Where she at?

Leloo: Shid I don-DING!


Kiki: Shit *mumbles*

Zavi: *finds her under the bleacher* found her!

I was so close to being avoided but NOOOOOO my phone had to have a notification -_-

Teo: Get out from there!

Kiki: No

Teo: Naw you gon HAVE to get out from under there or else we gon get you outta there

Zavi: Plus class starts soon

Kiki: Well I guess I'm finna be under here a while then *gets back on phone*

***text convo***

Sis: hey bro come pick me up right now 😥

Bigbro😎: Where you at?

Sis: You know where😐

Bigbro: Aight

Leloo: Should we just get her out then?

Jade: No cause she a bug and bugs always stay in the dark

Kiki: *mumbles* Bitch

Teo: I know damn well you ain't calling my girl a bitch cause you're the real bitch *smirks*

Kiki: *says quietly* Yo 14 year old girl? Ok then... *chuckles quietly*

Zavi: Dafuq you laughing for?

Kiki: Nothing....

Leloo: Whatever b-*gco*

Nathan: Dafuq y'all doing to my little sis?

Teo: The bitch called her brother to save her *says quietly*


Leloo: Sure *rolls eyes*

Kiki: Just call Jacob Nathan *sighs*

Then them bitches took off like GOTTA BLAST!!!!

Kiki: *laughs*

Nathan: Come on sis let's go *laughs*


While I'm leaving last period they came back again yes AGAIN

Teo: Oh she's still here thought she left after she called her brother

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