Chapter 19

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Kiki: what the hell are you doing?! *Holding on towel*

Teo: umm....

Kiki: nigga get up from the floor shit! *Yells*

Teo: *gets up*

Kiki: now.....what were you doing? *Annoyed*

Teo: *shrugs*

Kiki: niiiiga *straight faces him* answer the damn question.....PLEASE?!

Teo: you don't need to know

Kiki: yes the fuck I do *dafuq face*

Teo: shut up before I beat yo ass *irritated*



Teo: bitch I told you to mind yo damn business but noo you wanna know shit

Kiki: *holds face* you know what? You're are totally right lemme get dress *goes back in the bathroom*

Teo: stupid ass trick *mumbles then scoffs* ugh *walks off*

Kiki pov

I'm fucking done with all of this bullshit! I'm leaving today! And I'm going back home and i don't give a flying fuck about ANYTHING or ANYONE

I'll just wait until them bitches are sleep.....

**4 hours later**

Time to go! Goodbye bitches!

I grabbed all of my belongings and grabbed some snacks then left the hell house

Deuces! *Puts deuces sign up in the air*

Leloo pov

Is someone in the house? Cause I just heard noises downstairs then the front door

Who is it?

Leloo: teo *whispers*


Leloo: teo *shakes him gently*


Leloo: *groans* teo! *Shakes him*

Teo: bruh what the fuck?!

Leloo: go see what's downstairs *points downstairs*

Teo: nigga why not you? You the oldest

Leloo: well if I'm going you coming with me *grabs teo*

Teo: god damn it I was just getting comfortable too *annoyed*

Leloo: and I don't give a shit

*20 minutes later*

Teo: no one is down here *rolls eyes* can I go to sleep now?

Leloo: hell no! Wait.....what's this note?

Dear whoever reads this,

Yes this is Kiki but I'm gone now. Left. Not there. You get the point. But I left the fucking hellhole cause of someone (yes someone named teo and if you're teo then fuck you) but I will not be returning for like.......ever so goodbye and fuck teo and fuck life


This nigga finna get beat.....

Leloo: teo!

Teo: hmm?

Leloo: *sighs* I'll tell you in the morning *annoyed*

Teo: aight nite *runs upstairs*

Swear he get on ma nerves sometimes.....


I know I know y'all prolly hate meh

But I don't care.....

Later doe cuz

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