Chapter 20

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Kiki pov

Shit ion even know where I am anymore it's dark as hell out here and I can barely see anything

I'm just happy I ain't with them fuckers anymore....

Then I see ma house but thing is.....

There's an unfamiliar car in the driveway.......what the hell???

I go to the front door then ring the doorbell a random person opens the door

Kiki: umm who are you?

???: Who are you?

Kiki: I live here *cocks eyebrow*

???: No you don't only me and my wife do

Kiki: whats your wife name?

???: *Says her mom's name*

Kiki: um that's my mother.....she hasn't told you anything bout me?

???: Nope *shakes head* she never even told me she had a kid

Damn that hurt......

Kiki: oh *cracks voice* well I'll leave and um.....yeah *turns around*

???: Wait do you want to stay for the night at least? I mean it technically is still your house

Kiki: uh sure I guess *walks in* thanks *smiles weakly*

???: Yeah no problem *smiles* oh um my name's Chris

Kiki: well I'm Kiki and nice to meet you Chris *smiles*

Chris: yeah......

Kiki: *yawns* well I'm gonna go to sleep in g'nite Chris *waves*

Chris: nite *waves*

Wow he seems nice


**6 hours later**

Leloo pov

Leloo: *pulls his sheets off* wake up nigga!

Teo: mmm *scratches head*

Leloo: nigga hurry up we gotta look fo Kiki

Teo: why? Let the bitch be free.....

I know the hell he did not just say that.....

Leloo: *slaps him* naw nigga get up now this is basically yo fault so get cho ass up

Teo: damn okay geez *hold head*

Leloo: yeah yeah whatever..... *Rolls eyes*

This nigga finna get an ass whooping from me if he don't hurry on......

Teo pov

Nigga ion even know why we looking for this bitch

She left the house.......let her leave and be free damn -_-

Leloo: nigga hurry up!

Teo: all right damn im ready

Leloo: *rolls eyes* whatever let's just go *grabs car keys*

Teo: where are we going to look anyway?

Leloo: in her neighborhood where she lived at first duh *says in a duh tone*

Teo: whatever I just don't know why we're going after her ass *annoyed*

Leloo: nigga I will slap the black and soul outta you if you don't shut the hell up


Leloo: what I thought.......

Leloo finna beat Teos ass😂

But Kiki found her home and sum truths

Imma see ya later doe✌


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