Chapter 7

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Kiki pov

Bruh ion know what's wrong with teo but I'm getting weird vibes about him (even though I been having them vibes a while😐)

But like he's always looking at me weird like a fucking child molester or sum shit

But meanwhile I was home alone AGAIN like the fam don't care anymore

Anyways I was in my room on the bed on my phone until the power cut off

Well ain't that some shit?

I aint being them white peeps investigating shit like no thank you I wanna be alive

So I'm home the dark......with my flash on

I'm praying no one did this

Teo pov

I turned her power off...great now it'll be easier

What am I doing you ask?

I'm doing something okay? You'll find out soon but it's good is all I'm telling you😊

But I don't know if i'll even be able to reach her

But if I do......stuff's happening😏

Leloo pov

Bro I can't find Teo anywhere cause he was just in the house just a minute ago I swear

Where dat nigga go?

Kiki pov

I'm scared as fuck cause I'm hearing sounds downstairs

I think i'm gonna shit myself if I keep it up

But I'm hiding in my closet under all these clothes WITH MY PHONE ON SILENT AND LOW BRIGHTNESS cause yo bitch smart😊

Plus I'm kinda short so I don't think whoever's here won't find me

???: Kiki *says quietly but loud enough too hear*

Bro I swear to god I stopped breathing

Pray for me y'all cause i'm at a 99.9% chance of dying

Like I bullshit you not I'm scared shitless like y'all would've been like that if someone was in yo house in the pitch black

Cause if is a savage my dude💯👌

Dis nigga digging all in my shit like bish whet chu want?!

I think I heard him sniffing my underwear✌😐

Bruh next thing I know I'm taken out of the closet and pinned on the bed


???: you *touches on her*


???: But the thing is......I'm no old hun....I'm the same age as you sweetheart

Kiki: *froze* wh-what you m-m-me-*gco*

???: Shh you'll know who I am

Why does this voice sound familiar?

???: You probably might know who I am


???: How bout some hints hmm? Touch my hair

Kiki: *touches hair* no no NO it can't be you

???: Well see for yourself then

I hold my flash up to this person's face to see.....



Whose face was shown on the camera?

Kiki did good by silencing her phone, hiding, AND not investigating shit👏

Teo turned off the power????

Might update again ......maybe

But Vote, Comment, And Enjoy!!!!!!

Until next time my dudes✌✌✌

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