Chapter 18

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Kiki pov

I'm in this room laying in the bed scrolling away on ma phone when I see this nigga come in....

Great.......fucking great......

Kiki: what do you want? *Rolls eyes*

Teo: well excuse me but I believe last time I checked this is my fucking room

Kiki: *gets up* okay well bye bitch

Teo: who you calling a bitch BITCH?

Kiki: I'm calling you a bitch BITCH

Leloo: man both of y'all silly loud bitch asses up *yells from his room*

Teo and Kiki: fuck you

Leloo: right back at ya!

Kiki: whatever......I'll be downstairs on the couch *leaves*

Nigga I just wanna be alone....Damn

*2 hours later*

Teo pov

Bruh I'm bored as hell....

What to do? What to do? What can I do?


Porn? Naw not that.....


Naw hell naw I ain't know what the fuck to do.....

Teo: *groans* oh my gosh I'm bored

I go downstairs to see Kiki sleep on the couch with the tv on

Aw she look so cute asleep....

Wait did I say she's cute???

Hell no she ugly as fuck she????

Fuck lemme go to sleep.....

*The next day*

Leloo pov

I'm starting to think teo and Kiki would be good together

But then again teo gotta bully her like dafuq??

But whatever.....

Teo: hey bro

Leloo: sup

Teo: whats today? *Rubs hair*

Leloo:'s Thursday I think

Teo: *sighs* whew ok

Leloo: what you worried about? *Confused*

Teo: it's just.......nothing *shakes head* anyway ready?

Leloo: ready for what? We going somewhere?

Teo: *groans* bruuuuuh we are goin to school *impatient*

Leloo: well damn my bad but what's your freaking rush? *Grabs backpack*

Teo: cause......I want to......

Leloo: o.......kay?

Me and this nigga go to school but I have a feeling that we forgot something.....

Oh well it's prolly nothing......

Kiki pov

I woke up and for some reason it felt late as hell

I picked up my phone and it read '1:50 pm'

Nigga I done missed most of school today...

Gee thanks dickheads......

Kiki: *sighs* fuck......

I just watched movies all day until it was time til teo and Leloo get home

So I got in the shower and played music in there....

Teo pov

When we reach home nd walk in......the blanket on the couch was gone...

The hell????

Oh shit! We forgot to wake Kiki up today for school!

Teo: *mumbles* fuck....

Leloo: you realized that too?

Teo: hell yeah she prolly gon start bitching about it *rolls eyes*

Wait.....I hear water running.......and music?

Teo: she taking a damn shower bruh

Leloo: oh okay imma be in my room *goes upstairs*

Once I reach near the bathroom door I can hear music but singing too

Bish can sing?

She can sing really good.....

My thoughts were interrupted by Kiki opening the door and me falling

Kiki: bruh what the hell?!

Teo got his ass caught 😂

Prolly short update

I left y'all hanging a lil hopefully😂

Later dude✌

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