Chapter 25

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Teo pov

Man I'm so fucking tired of that bitch like damn.....

Should've been dead with yo ugly ass.....

I just don't understand why her and leloo are all of the sudden buddies and friends forever like Dafuq?

She gon get beat one day swear....

Leloo pov

Kiki: Nigga move! *pushes him*

Leloo: Nope *shakes head*

Kiki: But why? *pouts*

Leloo: Cause I said so

Kiki: Either slide down the slide or imma push you

Leloo: Nah I'm good

Kiki: *groans* fine I'm leaving then

I grabbed her leg which made her almost fall

Leloo: no you ain't *chuckles*

Kiki: dude what the f-*stops*

We see a kid behind her waiting to go down the slide

Little girl: excuse me but can I go down the sled please?

I laughed a little cause she said sled

Leloo: yea sure *gets up*

Kiki: *looks at the little girl* she's cute

Leloo: yup

Kiki: *slaps his chest*

Leloo: ah shi-shoot! What was that for?

Kiki: *laughs* nice save

We looked towards the slide to see the little girl sitting there staring at us

Kiki: *whispers* I thought she was already down the slide

Leloo: *whispers back* same

Little girl: Are you a boyfweind and gurlfweind?

How does she know about relationships?

Kiki: *shakes head* no...

Leloo: no we're not *smiles* just fweinds

She just nods her head then slides down the slide

Kiki: *giggles* we just fweinds right?

Leloo: *rolls eyes* shut up

Kiki: *laughs* fine.....

*15 minutes later*

Leloo: Nigga I told you to stay in yo room!

Teo: Why you so protective over that ugly thing in the room all of the sudden?

Leloo: Cause we're friends dumbass *crosses arms*

Teo scrunches his face

Teo: friends? Since when?

Leloo: Ever since none of yo business

Teo: nah I should know...

Leloo: No you shouldn't

Teo: And why not? *raises eyebrow*

Leloo: Cause I'm older than you fucking shit! Its none of your business

Teo: *rolls eyes* whatever....I still have freedom to walk around the house don't I?

Leloo: you just can't step foot in her room though....

Teo: fine....*walks away*

Leloo: *mumbles* fucking shit man.....

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