Chapter 23

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Kiki pov

???: AYO KIKI!

I started walking back to the house fast then as soon as I reached inside I closed well slammed the door causing Kalen to jump

Kalen: Dude what the hell?

Kiki: *breathes* sorry....

Kalen: What happened?

Kiki: Nothing *lies* totally fine *rubs arm*

Kalen: *raises eyebrow* are you sure?

Kiki: *sighs* Yes Kalen now let's finish this game

Kalen: Hold on imma go outside to-*gco*

Kiki: NO! I mean.......sure

Kalen: *faces Kiki* okay what's wrong? Is there something outside that you're scared of? *Crosses arms*

Kiki: Nooooo...............yes *looks down*

Kalen: What is it? Who is it? *Concerned*

Kiki: it's them......they're here to get me *looks down*

Kalen: Not if I'm here but who is it?

Kiki: *mumbles* bitch one and two

Kalen: *chuckles* you know I heard that right?

Kiki: Heard what?

Kalen: I heard you say-*gco*

Someone started banging on the front door and then I heard muffled yelling

Shit it's probably them......I'm fucked once again......

Kalen: Who is it!

???: Open the damn door *bangs on door*

Kalen: Who tf is it?! Answer my question!

???: Some friends of Kiki

Kiki: Whoever that is that's not my friends cause I don't have any friends except one

???: It's me.......your best friend *bangs on door* open the fucking door!!!!

Kalen: *whispers* go hide somewhere

Kiki: *whispers* okay *runs off

Where to um um.......oh! I'll hide in the bedroom upstairs

Minutes later I heard yelling and screaming downstairs


???: Where the hell is she?!

Kalen pov

???: Where the hell is she?!

Kalen: not here!

???: Don't fucking lie to me! *Yells*

Kalen: Why tf do you even care?! Yo bitch ass could care less *yells*

???: I care about her a lot what are you talking bout *lies*

Kalen: you should get tf outta here *pushes him*

???: Naw I'm not leaving until I get Kiki THEN I'll leave *pushes back*

Then some tall dude walked in

What the fuck?

???: Did you get her yet?

???: No cause this dude won't let us get her like she's his kid *rolls eyes*

The tall dude walked up to me

???: Where is she?

Kalen: None of yo goddamn business

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