Chapter 10

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Kiki pov

This bitch think she slick flirting with some nigga when she taken already

Like bish who are you?

With her ugly weave wearing looking ass😑

Jade: You cute *tries to look cute*

Kalen: um thanks *looks at me*

Why he looking at me fo?

Jade: ugh why you looking at that thing? I'm waaay mor pretty

Kalen: *gives her the 'dafuq' face* what chu mean? Ain't you taken?

Jade: I......I'm......*stuttering*

Kalen: knew it *scoffs and walks away*

Jade: damn *stomps the floor* why you gotta ruin it bitch? *Glares at me*

Kiki: *shrugs* it's what bitches do I guess

Jade: ugh you get on my nerves *walks away*

Do something bitch if there's a problem


Teo: Who you think you talking to like that? *mad*

How the fuck did he just come out of the blue????

Nigga how? How?!

Kiki: *holds side of face in pain*

Teo: Answer me dammit! *Yells*

Kiki: n-no one *cries*

Teo: man shut the fuck up with that cry baby shit *annoyed*

Then all of sudden Kalen came outta nowhere I think thats his name but idk....

Kalen: Aye bro why you gotta hit on her like that? *Goes in front of me*

Teo: Nigga move out the way this is none of yo business *pushes him*

Kalen: Well at least this girl *points at me* ain't no fucking thot tryna get with other niggas like her *points at Jade*

Teo: Shut up man * grabs Jade and walks away*

Kiki: *crying*

Kalen: Are you ok?

Kiki: y-yea I'm f-fine

Kalen: Why does he treat you like that? *looks at her*

Kiki: *shrugs* I don't know I don't even know *cries*

Kalen: *hugs her*

Kiki: *cries more*

Jade pov

That'll teach her😈

Late update asf

I really wanna beat this bitch ass doe who with me?

Hopefully Kiki can get out of that bullshit😩

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Next time dudes✌✌✌

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