Chapter 1

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"Riley...are you awake? You're gonna be late!" my mom shouts through the door.

I've been up since two in the morning, I had the dream again and just couldn't go back to bed after waking up drenched in my sweat.

"I'll be down in a sec mom" I say after applying a light shade of lip gloss to my lips. I give myself a last glance at my reflection taking it in.

I find mom sitting at the counter reading the newspaper with her cup of coffee in one hand and her hair up in a shaggy bun. I cross over to her and plant a kiss on her cheek before opening the fridge to grab my nutella sandwich that I made before bed last night.

"You look lovely today" mom tells me as I take the seat next to her and steal a muffin from her plate.

"Thank you, not so bad yourself" I say before laughing cause she looks like crap. She gives me the 'don't test me look' and I raise my hands up in defence.

"Did you get enough sleep?" she asks and I immediately freeze.

"Uhhm yea I did" I say quickly standing up and wash my hands. Mom doesn't know that the dreams are back and if I tell her she'll have me back at the therapist.

"Riley? Are you sure?" she asks and I can tell that she's put down her newspaper and is looking straight at me to get a sign of discomfort, but since I know how to cover my feelings up thanks to my past life I know how to cover it up.

I turn around and look her straight in the eye's and tell her I'm fine and grab my bag before giving her a kiss and walk out the house.

I make my way to my new school 'University of Pennsylvania', I still can't believe I'm actually doing this. This is a huge step, taking on a new identity and moving countries is not so easy but it's better than my other life.

I walk through the school doors and feel a hundred eye's on me as I walk through the crowd of new faces which I have to get used to. Girls start whispering, boys start whistling and I start panicking. Everyone seems to just be looking at me! Why?

As I'm about to start panicking a girl with short blonde hair walks write up to me and holds my hand. I immediately pull away and give her the 'what the f**k face' but all she does is start laughing.

"Why you laughing?" I ask her backing away a bit cause I couldn't be any more freaked out.

"Your reaction was amazing" she stumbles over in laughter, kneeling on the floor and all I do is stand and stare down at this weird, freaky girl laughing by herself at my feet. As I decide to walk away but she takes ahold of my ankle, making me trip and bump into another girl.

The whole hallway goes quiet except for the laughing thing on my leg. I turn round to apologise to the person I bumped into and I'm greeted by an angry human version of barbie except for the smeared mascara across her face.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I..." she cuts me off with her finger on my lips shushing me.

"Who do you think you are? Don't you know how to use your eyes?" she says and I instantly know she's the school's bitch. No wonder the hallway went so quiet. The laughaholic lets go of my legs and moves away.

I've met girls like her in my past life and know that they only care about themselves, their looks and having all the guys attention plus getting whatever they want no matter what. So I know how to play dirty too.

"Hi my name is Riley" I say forcefully shaking her hand making the tube of mascara drop to the floor "and I do know how to use my eye's, actually let me prove it to you" I pull her by the arm to the door "if you just go down the street then take two lefts you'll find a great plastic surgeon to help you actually look attractive" I say before she gasps and the whole hallway is filled with ooh's and ahh's followed by laughter. Barbie and what I suspect are her Barbets follow behind her as she struts away all giving me the death stare.

I give them all a small smile before walking through the crowd of now cheering people only to be stopped by the freaky girl who stared this whole mess in the first place.

"What do you want now? I think that you've caused enough trouble all ready" I say dogging her and walking away trying to find my homeroom. She runs to me and tries matching her footsteps with mine but I just walk faster.

"Your going to get lost" she says still following me.

"Better lost than being found" I say.

"What?" she asks and it takes me a moment to realise what I just said. HOLY SHIT!

"Uhh its an inside joke" I lie "are you going to help me out or not?" I change the subject.

"Sure, I'm your buddy so I have to" she says linking our arms and leads me to my homeroom faster than lightning.

I've got a feeling that this is going to be a long first day for me.


Hey guys don't forget to leave a comment and like if you liked it and if you didn't thanks for reading anyways.

P.S: You can start sending ideas if you want and I'll go through some of them and see where I will add them in.

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