Chapter 5

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Lucas's POV:

She leaves me standing there feeling empty. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, she read me like a book even though we only just met she knew me like the palm of her hand. She was able to see past my 'bad boy' act as she calls it, and see that there is a part of me thats just scared of showing emotion to anyone. She handed me my shit straight not trying to baby it for me so that I don't get hurt, but man did it hurt like hell.

Everyones still staring at me till I give them all a 'why the fuck are you still standing there for' look and they immediately go back to class leaving me with my thoughts  and a feeling in my chest that I can't describe, it's something I've never felt  before, something indescribable I'm not sure if I like the feeling or not but one thing is sure that it has to do with Riley and I'm going to do everything I can to make her want me like all the other chicks, no matter what.

Riley's POV:

I stare up at the ceiling and let my tears run down my face, I'm not angry or sad anymore now I just feel empty, hollow is a better word to use. The door slams and which tells me it's time to come up with a perfectly good excuse as to why I am home on my first day of school and third lesson hasn't even started. 

"RILEY!" I hear the one voice that I really don't need to be hearing shout at me right now...moms. I don't respond hoping she'll take the hint and leave me alone, but knowing mom she won't.

"Riley, I know your her cause your cars outside and the bonnets still hot" she shouts whilst throwing her keys on the table before making her way to my door, luckily for me I locked it.

"Riley, you better open this door and give me a suitable reason for why you're not at school on your first day!" She says banging the door. I sit up on my bed with a deep sigh and stare at the door.

"RILEY BLUE you better open this door before I kick it down young lady" She says banging the door a few times then shaking the handle. I wipe my face and get up to open the door, as I reach for the handle my phone vibrates and Mel's face pops up on the screen, how the hell did she put her number on my phone?

"Hello" I answer but it sounds more like a question.

"Hey where are you? I'm literally looking for you everywhere, where you hiding?" She asks and I can visualise the silly face she's making.

"Riley who are you talking to? Open this door immediately" mom shouts through the door, I roll my eyes but continue talking to Mel.

" I uhh I'm at home, why?" I say

"Why are you home? Did we bore you that much?" She asks with  a laugh.

"Uhh no I...I just felt a bit dizzy after everything" I lie since she clearly doesn't know what happened.

"Oh, well then get yourself back here we have art in about twenty minutes and bring something you don't mind getting paint all over cause we'll be painting the back drop for the school play, bye see you in ten" she says before hanging up. Well now I've got  the perfect excuse.

I open the door just as moms about to walk away, she turns and gives me the look letting me know she's waiting for me to speak, well here goes nothing.

"I needed to get a baggy old shirt to paint in cause we're painting the back drop for our school play" I say passing her going into her room and grab one of her old shirts that she doesn't wear anymore.

"And that's why you couldn't reply or open the door?" She asks with her hands on her hips as she stands in the doorway.

"Sorry I...I was on the phone with a friend" I tell her looking her right in the eyes so that she believes me.

"Hmm okay...anyway hurry up so you're not late for your lesson, don't need another complaint about your attendance for the thousandth time" she says walking down the stairs, memories of my life back then flash through my mind, I was so different, so daring but I know that my life now is better now than back then.

I shake out the memories and make my way to the car and drive back to school.


Really sorry guys, I've had a lot going on and haven't been able to write anything lately. I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

Love you guys xoxo


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