Chapter 2

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As I'm dragged through half the school I learn quite a few things, one being that this laughaholic girl is actually called Melody but prefers to be called Mel, second that I'll be Mel's new best friend apparently, and thirdly never to ask Mel for directions.

We finally stop at a door and I try to catch a breath as Mel just fixes herself up and looks at me and just doesn't say anything and gives me a somewhat friendly smile but looks really creepy at the same time.

"Uh well I'm going in now...thanks for bringing me here faster than anyone has ever taken me anywhere" I say with a small smile before walking through the door, Mel follows behind me and quickly goes and takes a seat in a chair next to a brown haired boy, who's giving her the most adorable smile in the world as she takes a seat and leans in to give him a quick kiss on the lips.

I scan my eye's around the room and realise that there are a lot of boys compared to girl, there are three girls well now four and one of them is Barbie who has her jaw dropping down as she realises I'm in her class and one of her Barbets. I scan the classroom as I walk over to an empty table next to Mel, and she leans over and pulls my table closer to hers and her boyfriend.

"Hey" she says her face inches from mine.

"Oh hi" I say kinda moving backwards.

"David.."She says tapping her boyfriends arm before moving back to her own personal space.

"Yea" he turns and he looks at me immediately eye's nearly popping out of his head as his eye's travel down my chest. I move awkwardly trying to get him to look away. Mel notices my disturbed facial expression and turns to find her boyfriend who's practically eye fucking me.

"I thought you might like her" Mel says to her boyfriend and I immediately look at her.

"WHAT?!...Isn't he your boyfriend?" I ask her. They both look at me then at each other then back at me before bursting out in laughter.

"Hell no" The guy says before Mel says anything. I can tell she's a hurt by the way he just responded to my question but covers it up quickly.

"We're only fuck buddies" She says with a wink "I only need him for one thing but nothing else and besides he isn't my type" she says and now it's the guys turn to get hurt.

"Okay...anyway nice to meet you my name is Riley" I say and just as I'm about to shake his hand the door swings open and a group of boys about three walk in and they are all probably the hottest guys on earth.

I watch as they pull tables and join our little row, making a some type of circle.

"Hey guys, who's the new chick" one of the guys asks Mel and I immediately cut her off.

"The 'chick' is called Riley " I say making hand quotes with my fingers when I say girl. Small giggles from Mel and the other guys are heard.

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Tony" He says reaching over to shake my hand. I freeze when our hands touch because he pulls it up to his lips and kisses the top of my hand. I have nothing to say as I pull away and try not to smile as I feel my cheeks redden.

"Your such a player" one of the other guys who is probably the smallest of them says before he tilts his head back in laughter. I can't help but look at the way small dimples appear on each side of his mouth and the way his eyes glow as he laughs. I continue to stare at him till I realise he's looking at me too. I look away immediately and make it seem I'm taking out my books.

I get to know the others before a woman who looks like she has better things to do than be here walks in with a cup of coffee in one hand and files in the other. She drops her things on the table then clears her throat loudly to gain everybody's attention.

"Good morning everyone even if it isn't, for those who don't know me I am Mrs. Brigs and I would like to say I'd like to get to know you all but I'd be lying" she says and I can't help but smirk and think I am going to enjoy her lessons, I quickly look at Lucas(the guy with great dimples) and find him looking at me. I look at my book immediately and keep them focused on the lines across my page as Mrs.Brigs continues talking.

"Well, now let me explain how my class goes for the new students, I am gonna sit at my desk all lesson and you guys can do whatever the hell you feel like except any inappropriate things. I will give you all great grades either A's or B's depending on your behaviour but only if you act like you're learning when other students and teachers pass by or come to watch the lesson." She says before going back to her seat and flipping through a magazine.

"I love this teacher already" I say to the group.

"Yea she's cool unlike the others" Tony says, he's got blonde hair and obviously blue eyes but they are slightly green, his tall and broad and VERY handsome.

"Last semester she gave me an A+ just cause I showed her my abs" Nathan says, he is the same height as Tony and he is adorable and has a great sense of humour, dark hair and hazel eyes that like to zoom in to every girls chest or ass.

"Why would you even do that?" I ask this random but cute boy infront of me.

"I technically didn't actually do it for her see, we had just finished sports and we had Advisory after so I was sweaty and all I did was wipe my sweat with my shirt whilst she was in the room, she whistled and said I was getting an A+ just for doing that" he says whilst actually showing me what he did making my mouth drop as he lifts his shirt up.

"Now I know why she did, I would've given you an A++"I say before laughing and the whole group laughs along except Lucas who seems to be in his own little world but his eyes never leaving me as if he is trying to figure something about me, I really hope he doesn't.

I give him a small smile to bring him out of his daze and he does the same before his cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he rakes a hand through his hair. The class continues before the bell for the next lesson rings, I've got sports now with the group. We all head to the changing rooms where we split to go into the different bathrooms.

Mel and I are changing in silence until I ask if she's okay.

"Huh? Sorry I've just got a lot on my mind" she says and I can tell it has to do with David and I sit her down on the bench with me even though we are both in our bra and underwear.

"Why don't you just tell him how you really feel? He feels the same" I tell her and her shoulders slump as she shakes her head.

"It's that obvious huh?"She asks.

"Well, it my not be for others but I could easily tell"I say and hope she doesn't ask how.

"I would tell him but I know he is all about the 'I don't date' thing" she says trying to mimic Davids voice but fails miserably making my laugh.

"I think if you tell him he will change his mind" I say putting my hand on her shoulder in a supportive way. She isn't as weird as she seemed before she's just a bit crazy making her unique.

"Really?" She asks looking at me for the first time since I sat her down.

"Really" I repeat her words and give her a nod.

"Then I will, but I'll take it slow first" she says pulling me in for a hug and I don't pull away even though it's a bit weird that we're hugging in our under-garments.

"If you need someone to talk to I'm here"I tell her before we pull away and continue to dress up.

"Well thats what best friends are for"she says before she starts humming a song and I can't help but join in, and we end up being a few minutes late to the lesson where all the guys stare at us like we're slices of pizza.

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