Hey dad,Sorry it's been a while, just been busy. Can't believe it's already today. Gosh, it's crazy to think what had transported since then isn't it?
Like you would not have excoriated me to be on the bts wearing nice semi final clothes not to hang out with friends bit to go see my job. And not just my first job, technically speaking it's my fourth job. And right now it's my second job I'm actively working. Crazy isn't it. Even just being on the bits is something we couldn't even fathom.
But wow, been a crazy few years. I wish you were around to see it.
No not to see me become a man, I only turn 19 tomorrow not the big 20. And I just want to get this our of the way. No I don't hate you and I never hated you for it.It's just my birthday, don't worry about it, man. I know you missed a few but it's all well and good, I was never mad, you always made up for it when you didn't have to.
Of all the anniversaries I've had I wish this one would have never came.
Can't believe today was the last time we saw you.