Ch. 6 - Busted.

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Three days later, it was another great and nearly stressful day at work. No news that Craig and I received that Jacob is exactly Jacqueline, but you all should know that I personally believe him. I would tell Craig to believe me personally when I tell him, but that’s between Jacob and I. Speaking of Jacob, he’s kinda lowkey mad at me because the fact that I declared that we can’t screw on the first date. I’m guessing maybe he’s impatient, but we have to last a little longer to have any sex.

After Craig and I was having a conversation that’s keeping us clocked up, Breaunna called us over to visit the DNA lab. This part should be interesting.

“So Bre, how you feel about Chres over here dating Jacob?” Craig asked as we’re walking to the destination.

“Like I told him, it’s perfect,” Breaunna admitted. “Who cares if he’s dating a victim? At least Jacob can highly depend on him!”

“His ass just mad ‘cuz I found him first,” I said.

“No I’m not,” Craig laughed. “I’m sorta happy, but I doubted that you’ll get some proof for him. Also, I’m surprised that Chres here is dating a teacher, because he probably need somebody to subjugate him. . . if ya’ know what I mean.”

“Too much info, Craig!” Bre laughed.

“Yeah, that is TMI, horny bastard,” I scoffed. “Speaking of him, I think he’s mad at me.”

“For what?” Bre and Craig inquired concurrently.

“Sunday night, I didn’t wanna rush into the relationship by having sex,” I answered. “I understand that his past is affecting him in so many ways but we have to wait.”

“That’s uhh. . . quite understandable,” Craig mentioned. “Because if you got straight into it, it’ll be called taking an advantage, and Bre told me that.”

After he said that, I gave the shoulder-length brunette and beautiful woman that I sadly have as a best friend somewhat a firm look.

“What?” She asked in a annoyed tone. “He’s lying to you.”

“Well somebody lying,” I retorted in a partially nonchalant tone.

Shortly, all three of us made it to the DNA office. Breaunna grabbed her iPad off the experiment counter and approached over to us.

“Chresanto, remember you shared that Jacob is Jackie? Well, it’s ninety-nine point nine percent true,” Bre revealed as we take a look on her iPad screen.

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