Back to where it all started...

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I slammed the brake pedal down and turned the car off, I got out and ran inside the house id recently been staying in. I grasped the handle of the duffel bag and ran back outside. Rather than get back in the car; I headed down the street on foot. Paranoia was setting in and I couldn't help but look over my shoulder. 

He fuckin played me, he turned on me. He did exactly what he said he would, he took everything from me.

I finally reached the bus station and bought a ticket south. Anything was better than being here in Oregon. I settled in the seat looking around. I put the duffel bag on the floor between my combat booted feet. I started rumbling through my jacket pockets, id already trashed my cell phone and dyed my hair black. I pulled a piece of gum out of my pocket and put a piece in my mouth. My nervousness was getting to me and I knew people were curious as to why I was so frantic.

After a few hours the bus stopped, I got my bag and got off. I looked around, it's been forever since I've seen this town. Charming. I had no choice but to come back. I walked out of the bus terminal and headed down the street pulling my hoodie up on my head. I got onto a familiar street and headed down it, I approached Jax Teller's house. I went around the back and went in through the back door. I grabbed a water bottle out of the refrigerator and walked down the hall. Wendy had stayed with Nero up north with the boys so I knew the house was empty. I grabbed a few pistols out of the closet and some ammo and put them in the duffel bag. I walked out of the house and headed down the road, I got into the edge of town and walked into a small bar. I used the telephone to call a cab. I got a ride to the house I once shared with Tully and got out.

I got up to the house not seeing anyone around, I was hoping to hell that I still had things in the house, I desperately need clothes. I walked into the living room to see it completely clean, I figured the police must have come along or the Aryans cleaned it up once they found Tully. If you cant tell I could be walking myself into a death trap here. A part of me wonders if Claire or Carl found Tully, if so my heart breaks for them. I regret everyday pulling that trigger. I loved Tully, but I was doing what I felt at the time was right and at the time I felt Tully had turned on me because he refused to let Chibs live even though he'd kill his own men to protect me, or so he claimed.

I walked quietly upstairs grasping the pistol in my hand and the duffel bag in the other. I got into the bedroom I shared with Tully. The bed was made and the room was clean. I walked over to the dresser to find that all of my clothes were gone. I opened the closet to find Tully's clothes still hanging. I noticed a garbage bag in the bottom that contained my clothing. Thank god whoever came in didn't throw them out. I pulled the bag out and locked myself in the bathroom with it. I pulled out an outfit and jumped in the shower. I washed up and got dressed quickly.

I pulled out some of the clothes and put them in the duffel bag, I put the rest of the garbage bag back where I got it. I walked over to the bed side table and opened it, I pulled out a burner phone and turned it on to see if it was working. It started right up. I dialed Claire.

Claire: hello.

Claire: hello, is anyone there?

Claire: Tay, is that you?

I hung up. what would I say to her anyways? The phone started ringing in my hand. I looked down to see Claire's name. I guess I might as well face her now before everything catches up to me.

Tay: Claire, im so sorry.

Claire: don't be, where the hell are you?

Tay: I cant tell you, im in real trouble Claire. I know your probably mad at me and probably hate me but I want you to know im sorry and I loved your brother so fucking much, I just thought I was doing what was right and I thought he was turning on me, I didn't know what else to do, I love you and carl, but please don't call this number, ill call you when I can.

I hung up. I told her everything I needed her to know and avoided being yelled at. I headed downstairs with my bag in hand. I heard the front door open. I rushed through the kitchen and went through the back hall to the French doors that led through to the garden. I went across the yard and spotted both the truck I once possessed and the truck that Tully once drove. I walked past the trucks and felt defeated when I found the keys missing. I guess its for the best though, with everything else I have going on the last thing I need is the Aryans on my ass as well. I snuck out the gates and headed down the street. I got to the Stockton hotel and got a room. I used a fake name and some of the money I'd taken from Tully seven months ago.

I laid in the bed and cried myself to sleep. I miss Tully so much.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now