Busy Day

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I woke up early and stretched. I looked around trying to remember where the hell I fell asleep at. I heard noise outside the room and got up. I walked through the house following the sounds and found happy cooking breakfast. 

"good morning" he smiled.

"good morning" I said rubbing my face.

"sleep good" he asked.

"yea, didn't realize how exhausted I was" I sighed.

"jax got a call from tully, wants to meet jax and tell him his side of the story, doesn't know you're here" happy said.

"alright, I don't want him knowing yet" I said.

"you got plans for him" he asked.

"I got plans for his whole fuckin crew" I smirked.

"hungry" he asked.

"nah, im gonna get dressed and start my day" I smiled.

I walked to the room and got clothes ready, I showered and got dressed, did my hair and makeup and headed back out. I walked over to where happy was sat at the table and stole a piece of his bacon. I hugged his neck and kissed the top of his head.

"thanks for being there for me when I needed someone" I said.

"always princess" he smiled.

"ill see you in a bit" I said.

"if you need me just call, otherwise stay whole" he said.

"always" I winked and headed out.

I drove to the lot next to tully's shop and watched for a bit to see who was coming and going. I saw claire's car pull in, she marched up to tully and slapped him across the face. I laughed out loud as he held his face talking to her and she screamed at him in front of his whole crew. I saw vic grab Claire from behind and carry her to her car where he shoved her in it and yelled at her to get the fuck out of there. Vic has to go. I got out of my truck with my pistol in my waistband and climbed up the ladder to the room top of the salon I was parked near. Vic was working on a car while everyone else was doing their own jobs around the lot. I waited with my gun pulled and aimed until vic brought his head up to wipe the sweat from his brow and I fired. I caught him between the eyes and then hauled ass, I shimmied down the ladder and got in my truck and hauled ass before anyone made their way to the lot. I circled the block and parked in the lot on the opposite side. I was watching the guys scramble around trying to get vic cleaned up and trying to figure out who fired the shot.

My phone rang. I smiled evilly.

Tay: hello ron.

Tully: was this you?

Tay: you shouldn't ever let a piece of shit put his hands on your family.

Tully: where are you?

Tay: im around.

Tully: you need to come talk to me, hear me out.

Tay: for what ron, so you can tell me how you missed me and loved me no matter what but fucked a girl that worked with your sister and failed to mention it even though you knew I would meet the bitch?

Tully: come talk to me please beauty queen (he was crying at this point).

Tay: whats in it for me?

Tully: whatever you want, I promise.

Tay: stop leaning on the fuckin wall, step out of the gates and face north.

I watched him do as I said. I hung up my phone and pulled up to where he was. I rolled down the window.

"im sorry" he said facing the window.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now