The love of one brings the hatred of another

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I woke up this morning alone. I rolled over and my face met a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it while still laying down.


I am proving to you that I trust you, I am at work already, all of my crew is accounted for, make sure you carry. I love you beauty queen and I apologize for doubting you.

Love always, Tully~

I rolled my eyes and put the letter on the dresser. I got showered and dressed in holy jeans, a long sleeve grey shirt and a pair of black heels. I left my hair down and wavy, then did my makeup smoky. After finishing up I headed downstairs and got my things, then headed out the door.

I decided to go to Sheila's diner before going to the shop. I parked and went inside.

"what can I get ya sweetheart" the waitress asked.

"breakfast platter please" I said.

"to drink" she asked.

"coffee please" I said.

"alright miss, ill be back in a moment" she smiled and walked towards the back.

I heard a motorcycle but didn't pay any attention to it. The waitress brought my coffee and disappeared as a body was sliding into the seat across from me. I noticed the people around my table get up and move away.

"chibs" I smirked.

"I need a word" he said.

"let me guess, my time is coming or up and your going to be pulling the trigger" I asked bored.

"no, this is off the record completely no one can know about this talk" he said leaning over the table.

"whats going on" I asked confused.

"we had a patch party last night, got a few new guys to transfer from nomads, got up this morning to find six guys on the clubhouse steps. Two niners, two mayans, and two Aryans. You know anything about that" he asked.

"two Aryans? Tully's guys" I asked.

"don't know, just saw the ink" he said.

"someone new in town" I asked.

"not that we know of, there isn't anyone making themselves known yet" he said.

"I haven't seen or talked to tully this morning, he was already gone when I got up, I left work early last night as well" I said.

"if you hear anything call me" he said.

"why are you talking to me about this" I asked.

"this is dangerous to both our positions, AB, niners, and mayans will think we did this shit, that will cause a war bigger than this petty battle we already got brewing" he said drinking some of my coffee.

"alright, if I hear anything ill text you" I sighed.

"this stays between us" he said.

"no shit, ill never hear the end of this is anyone finds out" I sighed.

"ill talk to you later" he said standing up.

"as for the other shit" I asked.

"dropped, at least for now" he said.

"later" I said as the waitress brought my food to the table.

I watched chibs leave and ate my breakfast. After I finished I paid and headed to the shop. When I got there I noticed everyone was in the apartment upstairs from the shop. I headed up and went inside.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now