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I woke up this morning to find my face buried in Tully's neck. I sat up and stretched. I got showered and ready for the day. I decided today was the day to start standing my ground again. Tully got up while I was finishing up and got showered. He dressed and met me in the kitchen where we had breakfast together. 

"whats the plan for today" he asked.

"im not hiding out in this fuckin house" I said.

"auto shop" he asked.

"is that where you will be" I asked.

"yea I have to organize the filing system, james started off there, but hes better with a gun than he is with paperwork" he laughed.

"ill help" I said.

"you sure" he asked.

"yea, I was taking care of all that before" I said.

"alright beauty queen, lets go" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me out.

We got to the shop and headed inside. I think some of Tully's guys were surprised to see me and him together again. I am sure by now all of them know what all happened.

Half way through the day I heard a motorcycle pulling in. I looked out the window to see happy. Tully met him at his bike and was talking to him before finally turning to face the office, our eyes met and I knew happy wanted to see me. I nodded. Tully turned back to happy and then led him towards the office. I sat in my desk chair with my pistol in my lap. Happy entered and shut the door leaving him and I alone.

"you alright" he asked.

"what do you care" I asked.

"don't be like that, I told you I was contracted as part of the club not because I wanted to hurt you" he said.

"you put a blade through my shoulder" I said leaning forward.

"if I remember right you returned the favor" he said.

"damn right I did" I said.

"I just wanted to see for myself that you were alright, I did not go to Oregon to help jax and chibs hurt you" he said.

"then why did you go" I asked.

"because we used to have something and I do fuckin care about you" he said.

"well chibs is out for blood and jax has some pathetic excuse about getting his life together and on the right track, whats your story now besides wanting to be my hero" I asked.

"I don't have a fuckin story, ive told you nothing but the truth" happy said getting aggravated.

"the truth, until jax hires you to kill me again right" I asked.

"club isn't rolling like that anymore" he said.

"yea until you guys rebuild and gain more members" I said.

"even then, it wont come to that" he said.

"we will see" I said.

"I didn't come here to argue with you tay" he said getting pissed.

"im not arguing" I smiled.

"I miss you" he said softly.

"cute, I think its time you headed out" I smiled standing up and placing my gun on the desk.

"carrying, that's good because you were right chibs is out for blood and there is no telling how serious jax is about making shit right for his family" he said.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now