awakening the killer

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I woke up early this morning, tully wasn't in bed. I got showered and ready for the day, I headed downstairs to find tully asleep in the chair. I shook his shoulder. 

"huh" he asked barely awake.

"its eight in the morning, you never made it to bed" I said.

"shit, I got to go" he said jumping up and headed upstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of coffee. After a few minutes tully came down showered and dressed.

"are you coming to the shop" he asked.

"im gonna go see claire first" I said.

"alright" he said.

"ill see you after" I said.

"I love you beauty queen" he said running both hands into my hair.

"I hope so" I said.

"ill prove it" he said kissing me softly and walking out the door.

I rolled my eyes. I dumped the coffee and headed out. I drove to Sheila's diner and sat at my usual table in the back.

"can I help you honey" the waitress asked.

"ill have the usual" I smiled.

"alright" she smiled.

"question" I said.

"yes ma'am" she asked.

"which waitress carries the last name Lowman" I asked.

"may I ask why" she asked.

"why'd you tell happy you see me here" I asked.

"I uh, I just know he loves you and would like to know your safe" she said.

"thanks" I smiled.

"your not mad" she asked.

"no" I said.

"I figured you would be because your with that AB guy" she said.

"yea, im not mad, just don't let the AB guy know your telling my shit" I said.

"Ive never spoke to him, he doesn't come here really unless looking for you" she said.

I smiled softly as she headed to put my order in. I was finally brought my order after a good ten minutes. I started eating until someone sat across from me and stole my fork. I looked up to see happy putting a bite of pancakes in his mouth.

"asshole" I smiled taking my fork back.

"that's no way to greet someone" he said.

"she call you" I asked.

"yea, she tell you who she was" he asked.

"no, I asked she gave herself up involuntarily" I laughed.

"still getting shit for letting me live" he asked.

"no, says hes going to prove he loves me because I said I don't see it" I smirked.

"seems a little controlling" he said.

"a little" I said.

The waitress approached. She put an order of pancakes and coffee in front of happy.

"thanks" happy smiled.

"no problem" she smiled walking away.

We ate for a bit together and then I pushed my plate away.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now