picking up where we left off

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I shot up to knocking on the hotel room door. I looked around, its 5am. I grasped my pistol and walked to the door. I peeked out to see the hotel manager. I opened the door a crack.

"can I help you" I asked. 

"miss, there is a man name Philip on the phone in the lobby for you" he said.

"ill be there in a moment" I said panicing.

As he left the hall I rushed over to my bag and grasped it. I headed out the back way so the manager wouldn't see me. I jumped the fence in the back and headed towards the safe house Tully used for his ex and let Ashley and I stay in when Chibs was after me. I got to the house and found it empty. I went around the back and broke the back window. I unlocked the door and went inside. there was canned food in the cabinets and nothing else. I made a can of raviolis and started eating it while watching out the front windows. I know that they know where this house is. Had I of stayed put that night Jax was hunting chibs they would have never known the location of this house and I would be safe right now, at least from them. I said I don't want issues with the Aryans but im sure they are searching for me too for the death of Tully, Eric and Kyle.

I walked upstairs and found the rooms clean and put together. I walked back downstairs just in time to see a vehicle pull in the driveway. I grabbed my things and rushed out the back door. I hid behind the house next door. That's when it hit me, I forgot my dirty dishes in the sink. They will know someone was in the house, not that the broken window in the back door wouldn't give it away. The phone in my pocket rang. I looked down at it to see Claire's name.

Tay: cant talk right now Claire.

Claire: you need to come see me immediately.

Tay: I cant bring this to your door.

Claire: tay, get your ass out here asap.

Tay: ill try.

I hung up and stayed hidden behind the houses as I headed down the way. I got away from the area and called a cab. The driver drove me to the road Claire and Carl live on. I got out and paid him. I stayed hidden as best I could as I approached the house. There were no motorcycles or suvs in sight. I walked up and knocked on the door.

Claire opened the door and stepped out, she slapped me hard across the face.

"im sorry" I said tears wanting to spill.

"that's for not coming straight to me" she said pissed.

"I couldn't, im in real trouble Claire, I cant stay long" I said.

"james, the new assist for the Aryans stopped by this morning, your samcro buddies were in charming looking for you this morning, they wanted james to help out, hes talking to the shot caller about what to do" Claire said.

"fuck, fuck Claire, I thought they were still in Oregon I didn't know they would come back this soon" I said.

"were you in tully's house" Claire asked.

"I needed clothes, im sorry I broke in, the door was open though I didn't mess with anything but I took a phone, I can pay you for the phone Claire" I said.

"stop, just stop, I want you to meet me tonight, at 10pm, the grow barn" she said.

"please don't hand me over to them" I said.

"I wont, im going to help you, you helped me and you saved my life, I owe you the same" she said.

"im vulnerable and I hate it, I never meant to hurt you guys, I hope you know that" I said to Claire.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now