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I sat up in bed to find it empty. I heard the shower running, I ran my hands over my face remembering everything from last night. Tully. Hes alive and hes mine and hes here. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, I stripped my clothing and got in the shower. Tully smiled down at me and pulled me against him, pressing his lips to my temple.

"I figured you needed your rest" he said softly. 

"I need you more" I said kissing his lips.

"is that right" he asked running his hand down my back to my ass.

"it is" I said biting his bottom lip gently.

It took seconds for him to have me up and wrapped around him. he was far from gentle. When we reached our ends he stood me on my feet and pulled me against him again.

"id waited for you" he said softly.

This brought a smile to my face, this man had every reason to be pissed at me and want me dead, he had every reason to move on and forget I ever existed as anything other than a business asset and his attempted murderer. But he held out and waited for me, like him, I couldn't move forward past our relationship.

We finished showering and got out. I got dressed in a holy pair of jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. I put on my doc martens and did my hair and makeup, something I hadn't done in a while. I stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom to see Tully completely dressed in all black. He smiled over at me softly.

"you look ravishing" he said.

I smiled and kissed him.

"you go get something to eat in the kitchen, im going to step out front with James and call Chibs" he said.

"ok" I said.

"beauty queen" he said causing me to stop at the bedroom door and look at him.

"yea" I asked softly.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you Ron" I said walking downstairs.

I got in the kitchen and started making myself and tully something to eat. I put the plates on the bar and got us both a drink. After a few moments tully came in the room. He looked slightly aggravated.

"I made you food" I said.

"thank you" he said joining me.

"everything ok" I asked.

"chibs is on his way, still lying to me by the way" he smirked.

"whats your plan" I asked.

"im going to talk to him alone in the living room to start, I want you in ear shot, if he continues to lie to me about everything I want you to come in and join me wherever I am in the room" he said.

"alright" I said.

We finished eating and put our dishes in the dish washer. I heard a knock on the front door and stepped out of sight. I heard Tully greet chibs. I waited behind the stairs where I couldn't be seen. I could hear and see everything though.

"hey brother, hows it going" chibs greeted tully with a handshake.

"could be better, I was curious about the information brought to my attention yesterday" tully said.

"about tay, james said you couldn't help" chibs said.

"james works for me, not vice versa, I want to know whats going on" tully said.

"why do you care, she fuckin shot you" chibs said.

"tried to shoot me, failed obviously, maybe that's why im looking for her" tully recanted.

Tully.::Choosing Sides::.HappyWhere stories live. Discover now