chapter 3

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I started getting ready to go out at around 4. I put on my jeans and a ThatcherJoe tshirt. I chucked my jacket over the top and threw on my converse. Me and Jack discussed getting Nandos too so that should be fun.

It got to 5 and there was a knock at the door. I ran downstairs and opened it to Jack.
"Hi. You okay?" He's wearing jeans, a tshirt, a bomber jacket and converse. He looks amazing.
"Yeah I'm good. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and phone from the side and locked the door behind me.

We jumped into the car and saw Conor was driving.
"He's our driver for the night. He's also getting Starbucks with us. We're going to you know where on our own though." We're getting Nandos on our own. I'm going to be left on my own with Jack... And most likely make a fool of myself.


We got to a car park and parked the car (obviously) then climbed out. Jack put his arm around me and we started walking to Starbucks. I've got butterflies again... Already! Starbucks was a short walk and we got there pretty quick.

So the three of us got hot chocolates. We had whipped cream and marshmallows on them too. I payed for it, being the kind person I am. We got a table and sat down. Jack sat directly next to me and put his arm around me. I was giving Conor certain facial epressions to tell him certain things. Mainly it was me mouthing 'does he like me' constantly. Conor didn't ever reply.

We spoke about so many different things. We ended up talking about my love life.
"It's pretty shit to be honest. No one loves me." At least I don't think anyone does.
"Don't say that. We love you. Of course in a friend way but we still love you." Jack's so cute. He gives me inspirational words.


We finished at Starbucks and took a slow stroll to Nandos. This is where conor left us. Me and Jack sat and ate. We spoke about so many things and had a lot of fun. Jack was a proper gentleman and payed for my food too. We finished it all too soon and left.

Again, Jack put his arm around my waist. We started walking closer and closer to the beach... Until we actually got there.
"Why are we here?"
"Because it's nice here. And I fancied a walk." That's fair enough. We stopped to sit down and looked at each other.

Jack grabbed my hands and held them in his. He stared at me in the eyes.
"Brooklyn... I don't really know where to start with this. I just know that you may or may not cry. You can never be too sure with you." What's happening.
"So according to Conor, you love me." Shit. Why the hell did Conor tell him.
"Don't look so worried. I just wanted to tell you something. I l-" my phone started ringing. Are you serious? Why now?! I answered it.

"Hi." It was Conor.
"What's up?"
"Sorry to ruin your romantic night together but your step mum's worrying about you." Romantic? Yeah right!
"Okay. Well can you tell her I'll be home in a little while. Shouldn't be too long."

"Okay. See you later. Love ya!" Yes me and Conor tell each other we love one another.
"Love you too! Bye!" We both hung up and I put my phone away.
"We've gotta go home." Jack looked disappointed. I am too. He was about to tell me his true feelings and couldn't because we had to leave.

(A/n) sorry for such a late update... I do trampolining until quater to 8 on Wednesdays so expect very late updates :) enjoy! Xx

(I've had to stop the late trampolining sessions now because I've got homework and revision.)

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